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Dave Sherman is a modeller who is well known for his scratch built large scale drag race cars. TDR Innovations has established a relationship with Dave and he is currently building a twin turbo'd TDR426. Dave started with one of our TDR426 kit engines and a set or our turbo's and from there he is scratchbuilding an engine that will eventually end up in an 8th scale Baracuda being produced by Scalemotorcars. Have a close look, there's a lot of scratchbuilding going on here. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.






Guys, have a look at Dave's AA/FA in the Bog Boys section and be prepared to be WOWED.

Big scale definitely has its advantages.


I may just end up building at least one of these big cars.

I just need to pony up the dough.

I'm floored.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

That's just.........um, that's just NUTS......I LOVE it......B) Where's the thumbs up smiley when ya need it.....

Nice work. ;)

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