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Posted (edited)

Post your builds for the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge here. Here is the list of those participating in the build as of this posting:

Dave Melcher - '65 Mercury Comet Convertible

Galen Allen - '38 Woodster Woody

Mike Kerns - '47 Chevy Fleetline-Black

Chris Millar - Red, White and Blue '32 3 WIndow Coupe

Floyd Blakley - '29 Rat Rod Pickup

Richard Brown - PT Cruiser Woody

Steve Prow - '48 Woody

Dave Beach - '60 Starliner

Ron Martinolich - '29 Rusto RPU

Chuck Carter - '70 Camaro Convertible

Dave Fletcher - VW Bus - Bussnaro

Bob Robinson - '50 Chevy Truckster

Jerry Mack - Pie Wagon Woody

James Warkentin - '53 Ford Truckster

Dick Messner - '58 Plymouth

Rick 'Grumpy' Goer - '48 Ford Sportsman

Jairus Watson - '29 Roadster

Dennis Pierce - '29 Sports Coupe

Charles Cochran - '36 Ford Pickup

Neal aka Outlaw35 - '41 Chevy Pickup

Ken Kilbourn - '34 Woody

Mike McElligott - '48 Chevy 'The Bomb'

Tom Kendall - The Beetle

Tom Jackson - '53 Ford Custom

Jason Vandergriff - Rambunctious Dodge Ram Extended Cab

Glenn Nunnally - Silverado Extended Cab

Wayne Stevens - Baja Bug

Herbert Baynes - The Firebird

Drew Antis - Phantom Mustang Ranchero

Chris Eddy - '29 Phaeton

Eelco Egelmeer - '34 Coupe

Joshua Brinsfield - '37 Ford Truck Rod

Bruce Bacon - Vette Sportster

Tony Turnbull - '60 Chevy Fin

John 'JT' - '60 Ford

Bill Lucia - 1929 Calendar Woody

Michael Clawson - 1932 Calendar Roadster

Brian Wittbank - Fairlane

Teri Fletcher - Thunderbird

Jason Russell - '70 Sportcrew Pickup

Jody M 'Smart-Resin' - Forgotten Warrior

Matthew Clawson - Coronet Convertible

Jeremy Gautreau - PT Surf Woody

Blake Rogers - TransAm Challenger

Lee Croden - '29 Pickup

Mathias Conrad - Falcon Ranchero

Erik 'Bobman331 - '54 Corvette Rod

Bernard Kron - '40 Hot Rod Coupe

Charles Gardner - InproCrown

Garred Getchell - '29 Phaeton

*****************************50 Entries*********************************************

Jason 'Jayl' - '56 Tbird

Jon Williams - Custom Camaro

Thad Brooks - '29 Roadster Pickup

AlanNZ - '29 Stake bed

Mike Ditchen - '64 Fairlane

Mike Lomaka - '61 Chevy Lowrider

Juan Robles - '57 Chrysler 300

Will 'wferrisok' - '29 Phaeton

Randy Olson - New Beetle

Mike Flynn - Nova Street

Donnie Boger - '25 T-pickup

Dick Wessel - '62 Chevy

Jim Collins - '32 Coupe

Steve York - '29 Roadster

Rommell 'Aftashox' - Bee Challenger

*******************************ENTRY CUT-OFF***********************************

I will update the list as others chose to take part in the Challenge.

If you would like to participate in the challenge as well simply PM me your email or snail mail address and I'll get a packet to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest in the Challenge.

Edited by Fletch

A quick update on the Challenge. One of the participants asked that being the artwork is 2 dimensional what should they do about the part that you can't see. My best suggestion is to go with the theme of the drawing that you're working from. If the drawing that you have is old school use the appropriate suspension parts and pieces. If it's slammed to the ground then chances are it has modern suspension under it, then Independent Front or Rear Suspension would be the proper choice.

If you allow the theme of the artwork be your guide chances are you will make the correct choice about the parts and pieces you can't see.

Above all else, have fun with the Challenge, I know better then to say 'don't take it to seriously' as we're all modelers.


Posted (edited)

Is there an album of Jairus artwork to choose a possible subject?

Tony, we have selected 50 pieces of Jairus' artwork. The ones we selected are buildable by the average modeler. The artwork was sealed in envelopes and a blind draw was held at the PNW Model Car Fest last Saturday. We then brought the remaining envelopes to the MCM forum. They are available on a first come first served basis. What I have been doing is sending out the next envelope in the stack. If you're interested please let me know and I'll email or snail mail a packet to you.


Edited by Fletch

are we really taking an entire year for this build ?

Eelco, the reason for the length of time for the Challenge is that the get together for the big reveal is next March 26th at the 2011 PNW Model Car Fest. I realize that most will not take nearly that long to build but others might. we are in effect running 2 different Challenges one for those who can attend the Model Fest and those that wish to participate in a email entry contest.

If you would like to participate in the Challenge please let me know and I'll get a packet on the way to you either by email or snail mail.



Well, after a bit of changing around this is the build that I will be working on for the Challenge. About the only thing that I am missing is the double snorkel intake. But, I've got a couple of friends searching their stash to see if they might have one. I know that Machined Aluminum Specialties had one in the catalog for a while, just not sure how to go about contacting them anymore.

VWBussnano-vi.jpgHosted on Fotki

I will be using either the Revell or Hasegawa version of the 23 Window for the build. I don't think the new Revell VW Samba van with it's flat sides would be very conducive to the build.

Need to clear some space on the workbench then it will be on to building the Bussnaro.


Charles Cochran contacted me asking where the '36 nose comes from. When this illustration was published in SAE back in 1999, R&D Unique/AAM had worked together to produce a beautiful transkit complete with correct heads and waterpumps in resin and whitemetal. The transkit would give the builder the chance to construct a correct 1935 or '36 pickup. Contacting both Art Anderson and R&D Unique reveals that the kit is no longer available. :rolleyes:

I bring this up because I have been doing the art thing for 25 years. This unfortunately means that sometimes parts and bits once available through the aftermarket industry may no longer be available if the image was printed more than 5 years back. So.... either Charles takes the chance and scratch builds his grill using a 1934 passenger car grill or he contacts Dave for another design. Because... I probably got at least another 50 designs here that Dave didn't use! B)



Tony, we have selected 50 pieces of Jairus' artwork. The ones we selected are buildable by the average modeler. The artwork was sealed in envelopes and a blind draw was held at the PNW Model Car Fest last Saturday. We then brought the remaining envelopes to the MCM forum. They are available on a first come first served basis. What I have been doing is sending out the next envelope in the stack. If you're interested please let me know and I'll email or snail mail a packet to you.


you know what...i just might enjoy this

there is no telling what car i will get right ?

or do i get to pick ?

(anything mopar will do)

so shoot me an envelop or a PM but keep in mind that if there is too much involved that is not in my stash it will be a few months before i get started

also...where is this meet you were talking about ?

if it is not in michigan write me down for the email entry B)

Well, after a bit of changing around this is the build that I will be working on for the Challenge. About the only thing that I am missing is the double snorkel intake. But, I've got a couple of friends searching their stash to see if they might have one. I know that Machined Aluminum Specialties had one in the catalog for a while, just not sure how to go about contacting them anymore.

i think the intake from the yankee challenge will work


Charles Cochran contacted me asking where the '36 nose comes from. When this illustration was published in SAE back in 1999, R&D Unique/AAM had worked together to produce a beautiful transkit complete with correct heads and waterpumps in resin and whitemetal. The transkit would give the builder the chance to construct a correct 1935 or '36 pickup. Contacting both Art Anderson and R&D Unique reveals that the kit is no longer available. B)

I bring this up because I have been doing the art thing for 25 years. This unfortunately means that sometimes parts and bits once available through the aftermarket industry may no longer be available if the image was printed more than 5 years back. So.... either Charles takes the chance and scratch builds his grill using a 1934 passenger car grill or he contacts Dave for another design. Because... I probably got at least another 50 designs here that Dave didn't use! ;)


The '35/'36 pickup grille can also be replicated using the grille surround in the Revell '37 pickup with the grille insert from the AMT '34 5 Window Coupe. The outer area of the '34 grille needs to be sanded away until it fits the opening of the '37 Surround. Another option is to use the 1/25th scale version of the '34 Ford photo-etched grille from Model Car Garage. It comes as a separate grille and surround which then only requires modifying the '37s grille surround.

Other things to keep in mind when converting the '37 to an earlier model year is that the windshield on the '37 is peaked in the middle and flat on the '35/'36. Also, the bed on the '35/'36 is 6 inches shorter then that of the '37. The only other noticeable difference between the '37 other then the hood sides, which aren't an issue with this particular build, and earlier years is that, prior to 1937 the battery was located on the frame, in '37 Ford moved it to the firewall. Both sides of the firewall on the '35/'36 look the drivers side on the '37. The builders plate located at the bottom of the X on the firewall should only be on the passenger side of the '35/'36.


that double snorkle is in the coupster kit...I used mine....


Mike, thank you for the reminder, I totally forgot about that kit. I'll have to make a trip through the garage and see if I still have one.

Posted (edited)

:D Man, I got a sweeeeeeetttt looking ride to build!

Jairus, KUDOOOOSSS on your art. B) have to wear the shades for this one.


Edited by hemithunder
Posted (edited)

I want to do this one in 1:1

VWBussnano-vi.jpgHosted on Fotki

Do you have anymore kits availiable? Not this particular 1....I may do that mustang on my own thats....different.

Edited by Kaleb

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, Dave! This is the one I drew, got the email today. This'll be fun! I'll start by making a list of parts I need, then I'll scrounge around here for said parts and then go out and find the parts I don't have! I just looked, I thought I had a '29 Phaeton turned out to be a '32, DAGNABIT!!! :lol::D:lol::P:blink:;)


Posted (edited)

Hey Chris, I am not really aware of any '29 Phaeton "Tubs" in scale. But as others are quick to point out... I can be wrong sometimes. However, I do know that Monogram had a great 1930 Touring kit and it pops up on ebay from time to time. You have but to swap the cowel with one of the two bodies in Revell's Pickup kits and who would know the difference?

My project is this from that same series of images:


It is the standard '29 on Deuce rails and I have the body pretty sorted out already. But am having to make a set of '32 frame rails from the pan/floor/frame of that really bad AMT '32 Roadster kit which was the basis for nearly all the Deuce rods back in the day. Norm Vebber is sending a set of 6 "speedboat" airscoops for this project and the Caddy engine will be from the Revell Parts Pack. Updates for the build will be posted on my Fotkiuntil I have enough progress to warrent starting it's own build thread.

Incidentally this series of images (Chris' and mine) are from a bunch of 1/64th diecast street rods by Revell. The series was called "Rat Rods" but they were more vintage or nostalgia rods than ratty. Rat's need a bit of an "edge" and have to look simply bolted together and less like they belong together. But just try getting Revell to tampo print rust and dirt? Ha!

Edited by Jairus

Jairus, It's a pleasure to finally make your aquaintance! I am fairly new to this forum but, I'd like to say that I've been a fan of your work for many, many years! You're artwork has inspired me since day one, continues to do so and I thank you for that!

Thanks for the heads up on the '30 touring kit. I was comptemplating converting the '32 Phaeton body I have to a '29 but you just took care of that for me! It looks like Revell has reissued the '30 touring and there are several of the original Monograms on eBay. I've got a '29 cowl, so that's covered... I love Flatheads so all I'll have to do is raid my parts bins to assemble the proper engine. I'm pretty sure I can pull the frame out of a Revell '32 5-window or 3-window. Are those '41 Lincoln wheels on the '29 Phaeton? I'm still trying to nail those down...



The wheels represent those Revell sent me. In other words I tried my best to draw what would be in the blistercard. That said... I tried to also make them look as close to real cars as possible... but the wheels seem to be close to '39-'40 Ford with '48 Caps. Of course Mercury wheels were the same but with different caps. All the wheels in that series of images were the same and the only two engine options were the Caddy and Flathead. The flathead had three carbs with chrome aircleaners and the caddy had six carbs with airscoops.

If Dave used all the images in this build off there are still 6 more; another '29 Phaeton, two '29 roadsters, a '32 five window coupe and two '25 T's!


If Dave used all the images in this build off there are still 6 more; another '29 Phaeton, two '29 roadsters, a '32 five window coupe and two '25 T's!

you mean this one ?


its mine :(


Well... no. That is a 1934 five window coupe!

This one....


That '34 I already started years ago but never finished... (well duh!) :lol:

As for the '32 five window coupe, if anyone gets this one it is simply the "American Graffiti" Milner coupe with different wheels. A SUPER EASY build if you have the kit!

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