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This build is from my (one of) Grandchildren . Britney is 12 . She started this a couple years ago . She die 90% of the paint with an aerosol can . Her fingers weren't strong enough to push the nozzel all the way down . I did the finish coats when they gave out . It is a snap together Monogram kit . Rustoleum Blue spray . Tough to use .




Way to go Btitney! I really dig the color. Look forward to your next build!


I like it, she done good!

One tip if I may.

Go to Wally World, Targette, etc. etc. and purchase one of those snap on spray can handle/trigger adapters. I use them all the time even though I bought it for the daughter to use when she first got into the hobby.

Lil' fingers will thank you.



Tell her, good job!

Keep her building. There's great value in these old snap kits for the young and beginning modeller.



You did a beautiful job Britney, nice to see you in the hobby, I love your car!! The picture on the flag looks great, hope you are as proud to have it as we are to see it built!! Please build some more and show us the pictures when you are done.

Fellas, thanks for the tips on the trigger for the rattle-cans. One of my Godsons, who is only five, has built 3 snap-tite cars with me, now he wants to paint his own color, so that might be just the trick for him. Thanks.



This is what Wayne is referring to:


I use mine on every spray can I use & it works great!

Keep up the great work Britney! Love that color on that Vette!



Thanks Mark, I suffer from Anheuser's disease, it was brought on from too much beer.

I am from St Louis originally..............


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