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Tom Mc Ewen "Wedge" dragster

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Hello.......another older build......It is a 'What if" build?.......I started with a junk body bought off Ebay........I stripped the paint and designed a " Mongoose Wedge" paint job.......Slixx decals........H.O.K. black and silver......Tamiya yellow and blue.......wired and plumbed........all parts from parts box.....scratch built spoiler......thanks










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Also, when/if you explain the rollbar padding, can you also explain how you made the lettering on the rear tires look so realistic?

Eric.....the padding is electrical shrink wrap tubbing from the computer store.......they come in 3 ft lengths and 2 different diameters...... they cost around $2.00 each.......I use one size for 1/24 scale and the other for 1/16 scale........you slip it over the roll bar and heat it with a lighter and it shrinks around the roll bar........as far as the weathering on the tires I have shared many times on some of my post.......if you can look back on some of my post you should find it.....if not P.M. me and I will explain how .......thank`s ,John

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