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logging trailer ??????????

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Hello everyone

I am trying to assemble the trailer logging, the drawing is just to see the cables for the uprights, and the next question, can someone tell me how are attached steel cables, or by passing the cables ????? I reproduce the same on my model

if someone can give me an answer


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Fixing cables, I found this picture, but if anyone has better !!!!!!


I know what your talking about.I have not seen the cables in some time now,the new trailers use steal plates to hold the up rites.

I need too look around too,I think there is a yard not far from here and I'm fixing to leave so I stop by.What are the cables use for? too hold the up rite polls or does one remove the cables and let the polls fall down for a fast unloading?

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From the pictures In seeing it looks like theyre passed through loop holes in the uprights and if you notice in that red picture if you look close you see a cable clamp on it. Your best best is if the holes are already on the kit take some picture hanging wire like they use on the back of framed pictures and loop that through and fasten the two ends together. This is only my assumption looking at the pictures posted.

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I tried to add a picture of my Peerless model trailer but it didn't go so go to my Fotki at................


and look in the Model Truck album. I used picture frame wire and they hook like shown on the back of the bunk and and run full length across the front. To make the loop for the tied end I simply made a loop in the wire and then took a single strand and wrapped it and knotted it by passing it under the wrap and over the wire. There is a close up of a tow starp I made that you can see a bit of what I mean.


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Hello everyone

I am trying to assemble the trailer logging, the drawing is just to see the cables for the uprights, and the next question, can someone tell me how are attached steel cables, or by passing the cables ????? I reproduce the same on my model

if someone can give me an answer


The cables you are refering to are to hold the stakes in an upright position when the truck is loaded with logs. In the older days of logging we had what we called Cheese blocks which were triangular shaped and sat in the channel of the bunk to keep the logs from rolling when they were sinched down. These were good but when you are unloading they were very dangerous for after the load binders were removed there was a possibility of the whole load moving in either direction and becoming very leathal especially for the driver who was removing the binders. The stakes gave more added protection against this from happening and became standard on American Logging trucks after a time. They are fixed so the stakes can be dropped down to unload in log ponds under an Aframe unit and then raised again and locked down.

The cable you are refering to was achored at the back of the bunk at the slotted achor bar and then ran across to the skid plate loopwhere it was threaded thru and then up to the hog loop on the trailer fork. From there it was threaded down once more to the skid plate loop and across to the other side of the bunk. It had a loop in the end of it to which was attached a lenght of chain which was pulled and locked into the hook which you see at the front of the bunk. By unhooking the chain it let the bunk on the opposite side fall. I have a few of those AMT trailers which I rigged up which I can photograph and Email you if you still need help with them.

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