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test painting on plastic spoons

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Hey gang,

Steve, hope you know my post was wwaaaayyyyy tongue-in-cheek, I have been gone from the hobby for so long that if Fred Flintstone took credit for the spoons, I would believe him! B) Seriously, I cannot remember where I first saw the idea, but it is a wonderful idea, and if you were first, please keep your thinking cap on because that one thing has helped my painting more than anything else could...without breaking the bank. If you keep coming up with good ideas like this, keep sharing them with us, that's what this is all about. I love your idea, and I sincerely thank you!!!!

Kevin, thanks for the tips, can't wait to try the marbled effect, thanks for the tutorial, which brand of cans were you spraying, I have never seen candies in cans before.

CrazyJim, you just the man, plain and simple.


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Hey gang,

Before I forget, let me share a tip with you that I have been using. Just came to me in the store one day, got a pack of plastic coffee stirs to use to stir my paints. (We all know shaking isn't the best idea.) The cool thing about them, beside being cheap, is you can use them to count drops when mixing custom colors. Just stir, cover the end with finger tip, and count the drops. Or, if just spraying a little bit, a clean and easy way to fill the airbrush cup with a small amount. Not hijacking Kevin's thread, just a cool idea I wanted to share before I forgot. Thanks.


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What I'm saying Skippy is that I had been on a few model forums for years and before I posted the idea I had NEVER seen it used before.

Afer that I see it all the time. So ???

Actually I've come to wish I had never originally mentioned it because since then every time it comes up I basically get called a lier over it. Now if I think of a "new" way of doing something I don't bother mentioning it.

What you said is my point exactly.

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Then you'll understand if I don't share my special method of doing real leather upholstry or my special technique for spraying chrome with everyone then. :D


I wish this forum had animated smilies rolling around on the floor. Good one.

Edited by sjordan2
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Hey Steve - I never doubted that you invented the spoon test paint procedure. How about sharing the leather tips and your chrome process with just me? I promise I won't share it your procedures with anyone.

Is this groundhog day?

I just wanted to add a point for Keviny's absorption: My post was intended to sympathize with you and say "been there, done that" in terms of thinking I'd created something new and hadn't. But ya doesn't has hafta call me "Skippy."

Edited by sjordan2
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