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Hey guys, hope all is well out there with all of you. Lately, I have been seeing a little bickering and arguing in the forum. While I am never crazy about it, I have to admit that it’s always going to be a reality and somehow a part of it.

My petition to you guys is this one, please don’t leave thinking that by doing so it will fix matters or dissolve the issue. It’s something that will always happen here or anywhere else.

With that said, I really think it’s a blessing to have a place like this where we can share our ideas and passion for this hobby. By leaving and stating that you are tired of the bickering, you are only making it easier for other people to follow the same trend and also adding fuel to the fire towards make this place uninviting. We just cannot afford to put ourselves at the level of the critics and troublemakers. This is exactly what they ultimately want you to do.

If there is something you don’t like the best thing to do is to ignore it. If you must post, please think twice before clicking on the “post” button, it will only help matters by taking a little time to study what you just wrote. I understand that some people might have their way of talking but a lot of times we have to remember that talking and writing don’t always go hand in hand, as a matter of fact, it rarely does. Think about that one for a moment.

For the record, what I really want to express in this thread is the fact that we are grown men, not little kids. We should be able to share our ideas and thoughts and come to peaceful terms and conclusions when any kind of troubles arise. Gregg has taken a lot of time and effort to make this a great place for us to enjoy and at least for me, I will continue to do that. I just hope you guys will also.


i hear what your saying bro, i just hope others do too and soon.

this hobby is suppose to be fun and therapeutic. its not a contest or a race.

i have been a member here for a little over a year and have seen a lot of bickering and fighting to say "dang, do i really want to be here??"

its a great forum, great info and some great builders, but the mood, or should i say environment is not a welcoming type.

yes, typing and talking do not go hand in hand, but taking the time to word it as correct as possible can prevent confusion. use the dictionary or thesaurus, the right word is in there somewhere.

build on guys.


Roger your last! I know sometimes when I've had enough, I go to the reply box and punch away. It's usually long in content. When I'm done punching it in, I reread what I've punched in. Most times I delete it. Or at least the not so nice parts. Easy to do? No. Smart, yes! We're all here for fun and sharing of ideas and models. Remember, it's easier not to say anything, then to regret it later! Aaron Dupont

Posted (edited)

In the past year, I posted a thread that simply asked everybody to please be civil to each other, and I said it in a very positive way. It resulted in so many nasty responses that the topic was locked. To this day, I don't understand why, though someone said I was calling the kettle black because I supposedly had once accused someone of being a "talentless hack," which I never said about anyone, and I have never criticized anyone's building capabilities.

I would have given you a link to that thread, but this forum's search function is useless. Just search "civil" and see what you find.

Edited by sjordan2

yes, typing and talking do not go hand in hand, but taking the time to word it as correct as possible can prevent confusion. use the dictionary or thesaurus, the right word is in there somewhere.

build on guys.

THAT is the most common issue I see. I have no problem with people disagreeing or offering constructive criticism, but some people just do not have a grip on wording things properly... and that includes me!


I like Bob Dylan's song that goes: This forum is your temple keep it beautiful and clean . . . etc . . . I'm convinced that's what the song says. ;)


Us old guys will remember the term "Think before you speak". Nowadays it could be "Google before you Tweet".

Typed words does not hold the level of communication in a spoken or face to face conversation. No body language, no change in speech volume or gate, no smile or smirk or gesture. Just words on a screen. Easy to misunderstand the real meaning intended.

Another thing to think about...Don't take yourself too seriously. No one gets out alive.

Life is too short...stop and smell the roses.

Smile! :)


Cruz, sorry to have to tell ya this but some of these chillin will always be startin sumthin stoooopid . Look, Imake my comments to the same people I have no problem telling the SAME thing to face to face . They get OFFENDED, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh............ Hey, I am an OFFENSIVE guy . I tell it the way I see it . Now , Im going to sand paint an drink coffee........... Ed Shaver


Hey Gang,

I think Cruz is making an excellent point, leaving doesn't fix anything. I personally have commented where I would see fit, even though I hated to lower myself to that level. Now I am just avoiding the topics that get ugly, it is just sad they evolve the way they do.

What is really a mystery to me is the fact you see the same dozen or so names always trying to one up one another and always trying to get in the last word, a pathetic gamesmanship that should not take place here at all. I just want to become a better builder, and I want to enjoy what others buit, whether a beautiful showpiece or a glue bomb looking for a place to blow up, I still enjoy it all. Just ignore the ones that need ignored, the rest of us love and respect this place, eventually someone might notice our "dirty dozen", and when they are gone, it will be a little bit better and a lot more fun.

Just a thought.....



Mr. Cruz, sir. About a month ago, maybe less, I was one of those who were about to bail. Thanx to Rom, and the request of others, I stayed and I'm veeeeery glad I did. The inspirations I am receiving on my current build are coming straight from fellow modelers who are following along. I languish in their praise and have learned to ignore those who would do otherwise. Although, honestly, it's been a great big ol' LoveFest since I returned.

If I had been more adept, I would have written something similar.

Now get back to building and doing what you really love.


Well hey, if being a "cranky old man" with "nothing better to do" puts you in the company of the GSL MASTER AWARD WINNERS who were apparently characterized as such today, all I can say is




In the past year, I posted a thread that simply asked everybody to please be civil to each other, and I said it in a very positive way. It resulted in so many nasty responses that the topic was locked. To this day, I don't understand why, though someone said I was calling the kettle black because I supposedly had once accused someone of being a "talentless hack," which I never said about anyone, and I have never criticized anyone's building capabilities.

I would have given you a link to that thread, but this forum's search function is useless. Just search "civil" and see what you find.



In the past year, I posted a thread that simply asked everybody to please be civil to each other, and I said it in a very positive way. It resulted in so many nasty responses that the topic was locked. To this day, I don't understand why, though someone said I was calling the kettle black because I supposedly had once accused someone of being a "talentless hack," which I never said about anyone, and I have never criticized anyone's building capabilities.

I would have given you a link to that thread, but this forum's search function is useless. Just search "civil" and see what you find.

Thanks bro but I would rather look for something more constructive, not destructive.
Posted (edited)

Thanks bro but I would rather look for something more constructive, not destructive.

Sorry, Cruz, but I don't get your point. My comment was based on the fact that I had a thread on exactly this point, which was not appreciated. What is the difference between my thread and this one, and why am I being criticized for bringing this up? Please elaborate.

Edited by sjordan2

I'm ok and believe that what the person that posted this is correct.I seen others say amen....me to amen.this is suppose to be fun not trouble if I see sometning I don't like.or someone said something to me I don't understand or I feel I'm taking something not right.I don't worry about it....I have said worse things to me then anyone can come up with.we all love this hobby,we need to think and be smart about what we say.I don't dislike anyone here.I see there are some that seem to be upset.maybe contact by PM who you mite be unhappy about and talk to them in a way you would want to be talked to...maybe that will help.be nice to everyone here.Thank you,Chris


Sorry, Cruz, but I don't get your point. My comment was based on the fact that I had a thread on exactly this point, which was not appreciated. What is the difference between my thread and this one, and why am I being criticized for bringing this up? Please elaborate.

Let's keep it at that, I remember the thread very well and I don't see the need to resurrect it or bring it back, this is a totally different subject. I do thank you for your input. ;)

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