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Is there a pic limit per post ?

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While there is no technical limit as to how many pictures you can post, please remember that if somebody opens a post and it takes forever to load, the viewer will most likely loose interest and close it. Use your judgement and common sense. I think more than 10 are too much. It also depends on the size of the pics. It is also a courtesy to fellow members with slower connections.


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I tend to post a handful of work in progress pix myself as my projects progress. However, when doing work in progress pix, I try to make sure that I only post the most detailed photos I have of the latest progress. That cuts down on the number of pix if you show the right camera angle. It is always so tempting to post all 10 or 15 pix you took that day simply because you're proud of your work, and you're happy to share it.

Also, remember that after awhile, even a popular post subject doesn't get as many views. So when you make serious progress, post a new topic as an update. (i.e. 1971 Corvette update). It keeps the attention, and you can show off the latest progress. But don't do it everyday either. I would say, new topic when real, noticeable progress has been made where you can see a big difference.

Then again, if you have lots of pix to share, post one or two as a teaser, and have the rest at a public photo site like fotki or photobucket. I personally have had better luck viewing photos on fotki.

I hope my longwinded explanation helps. I will admit I post several photos at once, but I do try to limit myself to the best, most detailed photos I have. ismaelg was right about slow connections and long load times on different pages.

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The software for this forum goes to a new page after a set number of posts have been added to a thread. The posts can be nothing more than a few lines of copy or contain lots of pictures... it doesn’t matter to the system. If all the posts contained lots of pictures then page could take nearly a minute to load if dialup is used. So, the rule of thumb is keeping the number of pictures down to 4 or 5 per post. That way it won't take so long for a thread page to load on your screen. If you have 10 pictures to post then break it up into two posts, one after another.

And like FlatbedKW says, maybe weeding out and only posting the best pictures might be a good idea...


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