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The Best Five Hours You Can Spend On HOW-TOs . . .

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Great Video Virgil.....Donn just did some tu tones.....I gotta see them C'mon Donn...Send me some pix and I'll WOW them for you!

PS I didn't get a signed copy of the DVD... :unsure::P .....But its still great. And Virgil....the Dehydrator will cut dry time down to 8 hours!!

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Mike ,

Not too interesting on the two tones subject just yet With only one color laid down thus far , I think you would be bored outta your skull ! Lol !

Send me your email address and I'll throw you some pictures of the new builds , that should keep you occupied for a minute or two .

Virgil , the paint jobs look great , I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself ! Kathie and I sat down last night and discussed new paint schemes using PearlX combos along with the new colors that I've been experimenting with . Like you stated , it makes you feel like a kid again ! Ya gotta love it !

We decided to start pulling out the larger bodied car models and start using some of the new paint schemes on them . I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of the shop after this latest discussion , should be interesting .

Kathie hit the shop like a cyclone this morning , cleaning , re- arranging , stocking parts , etc . Good Lord ! I have soooo many parts , it's mind boogling ! Found 20 plus prepped bodies that I had completely forgotten about . Wahoo ! More paint subjects !

This 6th childhood of mine just keeps getting better and better ! Plastic psychosis at it's finest !

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Bandit ,

Yes , I am " The Old Man " lol ! Better then being an old man . There are a light year's difference between the two , believe me ! A nick name that was lovingly bestowed upon me by a softball team over 27 years ago , I bear the name with pride !

oh man! please share some of your work with us here at mcm? :wub: :wub: :wub:


i just hope Santa Clause brings me the dvd set for Christmas this year! :P :P :P

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Lol !

You are going to have to go to oldmansmodels. com to view my work for the time being ! The photobucket issue was discussed last night too ! Problem is , so many things to do , not enough time to do it .

I suffer right along with most of the individuals who supply a product for the model car industry. We all work full time , ( otherwise , we'd starve to death ) plus run our model business , have family obligations , homes to take care of , vehicles , etc , etc ! Not whining , just stating facts !

I keep telling myself , " Seven more years , Dimbulb , and you can go at the model business full bore " Of coarse , by that time , I'll be blind with shakier hands and won't be able to build anymore !

As for old Sandy Klaus , can't say what's going to happen there ! Two years ago , Mikey MC almost didn't get his , he kept tackleing the mail man just to see what was in the mailbags ! Poor guy had to go on Workmans Comp for a month after Mikey got done with him ! I guess getting tackled 14 days in a row in a front yard in Florida would do anybody in !

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Donn, the Pearl Ex works really well with the clear . . . there are so many possibilities with this stuff, I might just lose my mind for good! LOL!

I've been using Pearl Ex powders, too. Love 'em. Here's a couple of mine I used them on, both were finished with enamel paints as well.



Beleive it or not, both of these cars are actually the same color! It started out as Model Master Kiln Red (no longer made). The Skyline is based with Buff BPS tractor primer, the paint itself was mixed roughly 70/30 with Boyd Alumacoupe Yellow, with a healthy dose of Sparkle Gold, Interference Gold, and Sunset Gold. The whole mix was then cut 50% with straight clear.

The Sprinter is just the Kiln Red, mixed with Sparkle Copper and Brilliant Copper, again cut 50% with straight clear, then shot over BPS Allis-Chalmers Orange tractor paint. Neither car has been polished.

The only issue I've had using Pearl Ex is that some of the chunkier colors do not spray well through an airbrush.

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I have been Promoting Donn's Video on painting for over a year, telling all people that are new to airbrush painting that they should order Donn's DVD. His DVD on Building show quality Model Cars is also a great deal, for any Model Car Builder.

I use the same method mixing 2 parts enamel to 1 part WalMart Lacquer thinner and it not only gives quicker drying, the paint also polishes out better, giving a very high quality finish!

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Many of us have either cut our teeth building military or railroad. In my case I suffer from both or all of those addictions!

To my wife's dismay,besides Model Cars, I build Military Vehicles, Military figures, Wargamming figures and vehicles, Aircraft, HO Model Railroads, HOn3 logging and mountain, Slot Cars both 1/32 scale and 1/24 scale. I have My own 1/32 scale race track, and I race 1/24 scale at Slot Car Raceway and Hobbies, here in Jax.

My Hobbies, and My Wife are what has kept me going for the last 42 years!

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Donn, I think I am going to start experimenting too with paint colors by mixing regular colors with some Pearl EX and then maybe even make transparent versions of the colors by mixing a few drops of the colors with clear . . . make them into candies, etc . . . it's all fun.

I like the idea of the dehydrator. I have one, all I have to do is crank it up.

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Word of caution , the primary colors have a tendency to swallow the pearls , making them non existent . What I have found that does work is taking various related pearls and mixing them in with the primary pearl color.

Example , Boyds Dusty Rose Pearl mixed with the Pearl X violet , red / blue , and the pink comes out with an unreal color that just dances all over the place . I have found that playing with corresponding pearls that are part of your primary color group choice really works well .

When applying the pearls over a base color , let's say black , be sure to apply several coats of clear before applying the pearl coats . Otherwise , you will end up with a completely different color then what you set out to achieve !

While I was very pleased with the color I accidentally " created " , it wasn't what I was looking for in the first place ! Okay for you or me who constantly experiment , not so good for someone who is searching for a specific color on one particular build .

Also , be aware that it doesn't take much of a heavy coat to cause the Pearl X to bunch or slump for that matter, they have to be misted on ! Mixing them lightly requires constant motion or swirling of the paint jar during application, this way they are applied evenly . Heavier doses of the Pearl X powder in the clear don't seem to have such critical effect .

As for the dehydrator , Mike Mc swears by them , I'd take him on his word any day . Personally , I just don't feel the need to use one . I don't suffer the humidity problem , more importantly , it's one less situation that Mr Murphy can stick his nose into ! I have plenty of painted bodies to play with , the new ones can flashout in their own good time , no rush on my part .

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Thanks, Donn. Yes, most of my experiments are performed on plastic spoons first, but I did notice right away that the pearl migrate if you apply them too heavy. Mist is the way to go. Here in Florida we have lots of humidity, but I keep my garage pretty dry. I have moisture traps in every corner and I replace them every once in a while.

I am excited to get some more bodies painted.

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