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Nostalgia Dragster


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This build was done a few months ago, but was based on the Ivo car. One of the first things I did was add 2" to the chassis in front of the engine and another inch in front of the front axle. Here you can see the difference already between the stock body and the lengthened chassis.


The fuel tank and an electronics module were moved forward in the chassis, and the body work was modified. Only the rear bodywork from the firewall back was used and it was heavily modified.


A resin Ross Gibson Pro Mod engine was modified and used, new exhaust headers were made from 0.080 styrene rod and the ends drilled out. Canards were scratch built and the rest of the bodywork started coming together.


Slixx has some really nice wrinkle wall rear slicks and their resin drasgster wheel set was also used. The engine was completely wired and plumbed using Detail Master fittings, line and wire.


The fuel pump was even scratch built. Oil lines from the sump to the filters and back to the engine are electrical solder in varying thicknesses.


Nearly finished the front bodywork was started.


Side-by-side with an original Ivo car shows how much different this car really is.

I've done a number of Ivo-based racers, this one was about the most extensively modified. My most recent version was a Freight Train inspired twin supercharged Pontiac digger named Super Chief. Unfortunately it has been languishing on my shelf waiting to be finished now for about 2 months.


Edited by FresnoPete
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HO, I live 90 minutes from Fomosa, I haven't missed a March Meet in 12 years, even went last year less than 2 weeks after a heart attack. If it didn't rain, I was there. I have a whole scale history of dragster racing, from a 1950's twin engine dragster through the Ramchargers dragster of 1964, Ivo's car from around 1967 or so, this nostalgia car and Eddie Hill's record setting fueler. With the exception of the Ramchargers car all are fully detailed with wiring and plumbing. I don't build anymore due to failing health, the winters even for central California are tough on me, perhapse this summer I'll get some of these projects done.


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I'm gathering all of my WIP's on an Anglia I did that is about the same level of modification. Everything from a scratch built 4-link to the Pro Mod style roll cage was scratch built. Look for it at the beginning of next week, I'll be cooking the next two days straight.




Those of you who have done this car can see the obvious height and stance differences right away....more later.

Edited by FresnoPete
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HO, I live 90 minutes from Fomosa, I haven't missed a March Meet in 12 years, even went last year less than 2 weeks after a heart attack. If it didn't rain, I was there. I have a whole scale history of dragster racing, from a 1950's twin engine dragster through the Ramchargers dragster of 1964, Ivo's car from around 1967 or so, this nostalgia car and Eddie Hill's record setting fueler. With the exception of the Ramchargers car all are fully detailed with wiring and plumbing. I don't build anymore due to failing health, the winters even for central California are tough on me, perhapse this summer I'll get some of these projects done.


Great job on that dragster from the "Double Dragster" kit as I'm working on one right now.
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That is a neat kit, isn't it Nick? I had to make adjustments to make the small blocks realy be small blocks, like fixing the exhaust headers. I went a little nuts with the Fiat though....




There wasn't a lot that went untouched...to the point it can be argued it's not even the same car. But the chassis started out as the one for the Fiat, the rear end is the same, but I swear, about 50% of the car came from that kit. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Interesting......Dale Armstrong (of Kenny Bernstein Fame) was a huge proponent of front-engined dragsters. His thought was to have a conventional funny car rear half (differential behind driver) and a FED front half. A few alky guys gave it a shot, and in-fact, they were kind-of instrumental in getting the nostalgia deal off the ground, having many folks seeing front engined dragsters again....

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