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This is, perhaps, my best effort ever. Finished earlier today, this is my build of the Galaxie Limited 1947 Sedan Delivery. It's a mild custom, although the kit is entirely box stock. The paint is MML Phoenican Yellow and Bright Platinum Metallic (a Ford and Plymouth color on a Chevy, LOL) covered by a coat of MML clear.

This is really a great part, and I have plans for at least one more Sedan Delivery and one Aerosedan. I can't afford them currently, but I will soon. I plan to make the second Sedan Delivery a phantom El Camino like hauler...Yes, I'm going to attempt a major body conversion!!

I will fix the two problems with this kit when I do that: The hood is not long enough (I suspect that is due to being made primarily for the Aerosedan, the rest of the kit is too high quality to have a mistake like that, and also the exhaust pipe doesn't quite reach the part it's supposed to (manifold? I know NOTHING about engines!) but that will be a very simple scratchbuilding as it's just a straight pipe.

Other then that, this is one of the most well made kits I have ever built.

It's also the 200th model I have ever built...All since November 7th, 1999. That's a lot of building! (18th completion of 2006)

Anyway, enjoy the pictures. There are a bunch of them, and I am not going to post them all. You'll have to visit the album to see them!

Also, remember there are no lines on the hood. I masked that completly by eye, and I would say it came out pretty good!









I love this shot. You can see the camera reflecting in the wheel, and it shows the wheel detail nicely too!





Hey Billy thats a pretty good lookin' Chevy delivery .At your ratio of gettin' em done you've actually got a shot of building everything you desire. Again "SUPER BUILD "..


Very nice indeed Billy. I've only been here a short time, but I also notice how each and every one of your builds gets better and better. Two thumbs up to you man!


Very nice job, and I like the colors you used.

I have one of these and was very impressed with the kit. Unfortunately I haven't got around to finishing mine.

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