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I see a lot of cool user names and avatars on here and I was just wondering how you guys come up with them...

My user name is something I came up with in high school. I wanted to start a band called Jolly Sipper's Bottling Company. As for my avatar, that's Flapjack. He's a character on a show on Cartoon Network.

So what's the story behind your's?


I am an "Agent" of the Nevada Gaming Control Board's Enforcement Division, and my last name is Gray, ergo AgentG.

I am also a huge MiB fan.



I used to ride bikes a LOT the kind with pedals and down here its hot in the summer . I would tell my

wife I was off for a heatride . And it just kinda stuck .


My username comes from one of my mini's , a 1963 mini sports 850 , there are a handful of genuine ones left (5 that can be verified) and a similar number of copies . They were an Australian only model and released by a dealer with BMC (British Motor Corporation) approval . The dealer (Peter Manton) also raced mini's and wanted BMC to release the mini cooper in Aust but BMC decided that Australia was too small for such an advanced and expensive performance model . Manton argued so they challenged him to make a performance model and prove there was a market for it . Manton upgraded the 850 with twin carbs , special badging and sold more than 100 so BMC bought in the cooper .





My avatar is a picture of the Mini-Trac which was a tracked mini built by Terry O'hare near Melbourne and trialed in Antarctica , it came back to Australia after that and was sold to a private concern , I found Terry while researching it and had a 4 page article published on the Mini-Trac but so far can't find it's final resting place .


BKcustoms is the 1:1 automotive restoration shop I would like to open in the future, and my avatar is my Buick Regal that I'm restoring.


When I first started going on online forums I knew I'd need a moniker with a bit of anonymity, so set out to find a cool name that wouldn't sound like anyone else, totally original. When I lived in Chesapeake VA, the local power company was called Cogentrix and I'd see their signs every day on the way to the base. I thought it sounded kinda cool, so I took it and played with it a bit and came up with Jantrix.

The problem is, everyone likes to shorten it to Jan, which makes me sound like a Brady kid.

My avatar changes on a whim.


The 'Dave' part of my screen name is the easy part to explain.

As the story goes, on Christmas day 1970, the newborn me was brought home from the hospital in my aunt's orange '69 Beetle. My parents had a parade of various Volkswagens over the years, and I've had a good number myself as well. I still have my first VW(my '68 Beetle) and my unrestored series 1 Meyers Manx, and I got myself 'marked for life' about 18 years ago:


My avatar also changes periodically; it's usually something VW-related, and often one of my own photographs.


Mine is based on a fictional character in a graphic novel I'm working on bit by bit- Zombie Hunter #26.

He's the 26th out of 42 genetically engineered and reprogrammed 'zombies' created solely for the purpose of thinning out the undead horde. He was the first one that was successful, but before the military scientists could completely reprogram him for total control, he escaped. Now in a world overrun with the undead and riddled with lawlessness, he is hunted by the very people that created him.

I also change my avatar on a whim, just not with much frequency.


My Avatar is just a crazy picture of me taken at my niece's backyard BBQ a few years ago. My screen name started back in '98 when we got our first computer. At the time my daily driver was a 1959 Dodge Coronet that I was trying to make into a mild custom... So the screen name RAM (my initials)FINS (for the fins on the Dodge) and 59 (for the year of the Dodge.


Well Romell was the name of a lil boy my mother had a crush on when she was in grade school, so she gave it to me about 44 years ago. and my avatar repersent what we all should strive to be "The Greatest" on the picture Muhamid Ali states " I am the Greatest, I said that even before I knew I was" B)


My turn i guess....

my screen name is bandit1....ie....smokey and the bandit.....gosh sally fields looked way to cute in the white wedding dress.....nuff' said on that subject....

pic changes once in a while but as of now....its truck 66 of Eastwood fire dept. ...my stepfather is a high ranking assistant chief there....


My name is well My name. my Avatar is my Favourite Movie, also one of my favourite muscle cars, when I get around to the 24th scale version it'll be photographed in the same position and used from there on.



My username comes my favorite car...the 1970 GTO Judge. The forum for some reason, and I'm not the only one, won't let me post an avatar. If I could, it would be of The Judge.


When I started on the internet as a kiddo, Southernboy was the username on the very first forum I signed up for. It's been that way ever since. It just stuck. The avatar is sort of a peek in to my dark side, I scare myself on a constant basis with thoughts.


My username comes my favorite car...the 1970 GTO Judge. The forum for some reason, and I'm not the only one, won't let me post an avatar. If I could, it would be of The Judge.

Avatar pix has to be below a certain size (I think 200x200 pixels?).


Avatar pix has to be below a certain size (I think 200x200 pixels?).

what about your username and pic harry?...lol....i cant wait to hear it

Posted (edited)

Moved to Richmond Va from Houston Tx

Started looking at local area car club plates

and it was down to two.

The first one is kool because of the 'have gun will travel"

and it's a western


The second one spoke to me ..LOL


James aka Joker

Fly fishing is my other passion

I'm known as Lone Star

and this is my avatar


Edited by Joker
Posted (edited)

Lets see here. My dad bought my brother an '08 Ford F-150. My brother is off in the Navy.

Edited by '08SEAL

My user name is because I have yet to make a model out of just one kit. My avatar is the vehicle I would most like to make a model of, if I could ever figure out how!

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