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Puddingwrestler's pulchritudinous paper perfidy.

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Some time ago I designed a set of generic 1950s cars and pick ups for use in wargames and role playing. As such, they are not really to scale (they're designed to work in 28-30mm scale, but are not based on any kind of measurements of prototypes) and are pretty blocky since I wanted them to be easy for kids to build. In the end, I never ran the ATOMIC SPACE MUTANTS FROM MARS campaign they were designed for, but I thought you might like to see them anyway. These are the sort of models you can use on kids as a gateway to bigger and better things, they take about five to ten minutes to cut and glue, and you can even customize them using something like Photoshop.

I used Inkscape to draw them. At some point I might put out a sheet of customizing parts - glue on alternate grilles, glue on side pipes, maybe a blower...





More such nonesense (including the affore mentioned Atomic Space Mutants) can be found on my photobucket account.

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Well, I wasn't entirely sure where to put it to be honest since it's not a build up, and it's not on the bench at present. It's a while since I've been on here, and I'm not completely familiar with all the categories. If the moderators can think of a better place, then they are welcome to move it.

I'm not sure I can agree with your statement that these are not model cars; they are still a form of model. Models do not have to be made from plastic or resin, although many of them are. I admit these are fairly toy-like in their simplicity, but I merely wanted to share an alternate form of building.

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Here's the beginnings of the sheet of customizing parts. Mostly grilles at present, along with quad headlights, some flame and scallop designs and side pipes. When complete, there'll also be a blower down where the example cars are, but that'll take a bit more work.

The idea is that you can cut out the part you want and just glue it to the paper model over the top of the existing design. So you can easily change grilled for instance by just gluing a new one over the top.

This does limit what can be done to an extent - you can't really change the shape of what is already there. A really massive custom job would require a new model, this is just for minor customization and to allow you to have more variety by printing the same car a few times, but changing things around.

I did want to do side trims (like the classic buick style so beloved of early customs) but since the existing trim is printed onto the model, you can't change it. Just adding a different trim on top would look a bit silly...

Note: The flames and scallops are designed to work on the cars and the ute, they won't fit on the pick up since it's bonnet and sides are both shorter. The grilles etc. will fit on anything. Probably. I haven't really tested things yet, just thought I'd share and see if any one had any ideas for further custom parts.


In the meantime, here's the Martian hod rod sheet which I was working on. It's not exactly done either (there should be some Martian teen agers with greasy quiffs and leather jackets to go with the hot rods!) but you can use the soup-up parts from those on the cars as well. I'd sorta forgotten I'd done those...


And that should be the last time I edit the post... keep forgetting to put pics in, or doing it wrong, or remembering extra details...

Edited by puddingwrestler
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