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My 4 year old grand daughter likes to see my models and watch me work on mine and I asked her if she was ready to build her own and she did. I picked up this snap together Camero for her. We worked the directions and she found the parts and we stared the build. She picked out the yellow paint and she watched me spray it for her. I showed her how to rub it out with the polish. She was able to put the stripes on but asked me to put the smaller ones on as she wanted them to look right. She also picked out a place on my model selfs to display it. My son took the pictures with his new camera for her.





For being four and with just doing the decals and other small things thats a great build. Tell her we want more! By the time shes my age she would be doing awesome custom stuff! lol. Tell her it looks great for me!


God bless you Dan! You're teaching her a LOT more than building models in what you're doing. AND you're doing it with LOVE. The end result is the beautiful proof!


Three cheers for the kid. Nice job.


You are kidding...FOUR years? Great! Well done. What have i done in the age of four? Defenly no modeling...

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