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food and supplies

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send food and supplies through your local charities. in Detroit area we have forgotton harvest .. collecting anything that people may need everyday. can goods and anything that could be eaten easily. personal hygiene supplies clothes Ect.

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Actually it's better to not send stuff, but to send $$$ so that whatever needs to be bought or paid for most urgently can be bought and paid for. Let the people on the ground decide what is needed most.

Feed the Children has an office right there in Oklahoma City.


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I feel as if sending food is better in some cases. Witch would help a family more a weeks worth of food or enough cash for a weeks worth of food spent on everything but food. To some people other things are more important, like drugs, alcohol, tobacco,ect.

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I'd be very careful as to who I send money to for donations. The President and CEO of the American Red Cross makes over $500,000 per year and claims that it does not come out of monies donated, and salaries come out of the "general operating fund." And gee, that money must come from the sky, don't you think?

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You should donate to good nonprofet org. Sure there is one near you. People who do this day in & day out. Worked for forgotten harvest. Picking up food..donated goods with a fleet of 25' refer trucks. I worked proudly for them 3 yrs. Iknow they are putting a trailer of food to go down there now. So give anyway you can.

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