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I'm trying to build a replica of a 57 Chevy 210 4 door my brother drove waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the 70's. I bought a resin 57 Chevy 210 4 door but, I ran into a bit of a snag. It seems that heart attack number 12 cost me more than just 4 bypasses. I lost partial vision in my left eye in the form of a dark line that crosses my eye at about a 40 degree angle, fuzzy vision in the right and I can't seem to keep my hands from shaking. The latter may be because of the medications I have to take.

When I bought the Resin 57, I also bought 2 AMT 57s. 1 fairly new reissue of the old "Pepper Shaker" and the new issue with the opening trunk. I bought the newer issue because I couldn't remember which one of the two I needed to finish the resin one off. As it turnes out, I needed the early AMT issue.

The problem with the resin model is the door and trunk lines need to be scribed better and I'm in no hurry to lop a finger off. I'm hoping there's someone in my area that can scribe these for me. I'd be more than happy to give up the other 57 Chevy model to get this done. It's still in the box and and unbuilt.

Next question, Can the Alclad Chrome process be used with a Testors 9215 ACRYL MODEL CAR SPRAY PAINT SET? I can't get a straight answer from Testors or Alclad and I've tried to use an Airbrush and failed on several occasions. Thanks.


Why in the world did you post this in Real or Model??? :blink:

Because he's new and hasn't figured it all out yet?? It does take a while to get the hang of the board.

And to answer Mark's questions... let the board know where in CT you actually are. Then maybe someone would be able to help you. I know there are a lot of modelers in the state. Modelers are cool, someone would probably be willing to drop by to help you for the cost of a soda.

Alclad also makes it's chrome in a spray can. I have used this a lot, enough that I'm into something like can number three. I looked it up and the Testors 9215 set is a pseudo airbrush with an air can set up. I wouldn't recommend trying Alclad with this, although someone here may have tried it. I'd recommend getting the spray can. I've used it over Tamiya and Duplicolor paints with no issue.

If you are new at modeling and just want to get that Chevy built, you can do the whole car with spray cans. Duplicolor automotive paints give you a wide range of colors at your local auto supply store. If you use Duplicolor, do use their primer under it since it will affect bare plastic. I believe it won't harm resin. Hope this helps.


Sorry for the inconvenience. The Modelcitizen is right. By the time I wrote my plea for help, I only just found a "Start a New?????" thing button or whatever it is. Please pardon the spelling errors.

I don't even know how I got to this "Real or Model" thing. I have a hard time getting in this Model Cars Magazine site every time I try. It usually takes about an hour to find the right thing to click on.

I can't get a simple straight answer from anyone from Testors, Alclad, the Badger Air Brush people, ANOTHER Model Magazine and the list goes on.

Why didn't Alclad mention the fact that the put their Crome in a spray can? Now that's real "Customer Service". Let's give everyone that contacts us (Alclad) a vague answer to their questions AND not tell them the product they're looking for now comes in an easy to use Spray Can. That way we can go out of business faster.

The last Air Brush I bought is The Last Air Brush I'll Ever Buy. I read the instructions, I followed the Instructions, I read the instructions again. Then I read them again and followed the instruction. It actually shot a very small fine burst of paint, for 2 or 3 seconds, and stopped. Then all it shot was air. I didn't want to ruin it so, I decided to clean it and hooked up a bottle of Air Brush Cleaner. I got another 2 or 3 second burst of cleaner, then just air. I read the instructions again. To Be safe, I used Air Brush cleaner insted of paint. I got another 2 or 3 seconds of cleaner and then more air. I didn't have a computer then so, there was no help anywhere. I did what I thought was best, I taught it to fly. I didn't teach it to land.

I'm just looking for some help from someone that can see out of both eyes. Do you know what it's like to have to wear those big magnifiers just to read anything on this screen, to be partially blind in the dominant eye.

So until I can figure out how I got to this page and how to ask for help in the right one, this will have to do.

I ain't one of those teenagers that grew up with a computer mouse in my hand and I didn't ask for those "so called" Doctors to cut me open like some kind of dead fish and mess around with my innards. Because if they had asked me, I would have told them N O. I'm still missing the 8 days I spent in the hospital, I had no vision problems before and now I'll never drive my '66 Caddy again. See my profile picture.

I hope the kid I mentored enjoys it.


I just have the forum bookmarked. That way i just go to my bookmarks, find the forum and click takes me right there.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, Thanks for the help so far. I really do appreciate it. These Computers are a lot of help when looking for just about anything related our hobby. There is (However) a very steep learning curve to these things and a lot of the web-sites.

Bookmarking is great, it really is. The problem is, the Rocket Scientists that update those Search things like Google, Bing, Internet Explorer and etc. mess things up so badly, Bookmarks, Sign In info, and other things that I was trying to save are lost. I've lost ALL of my Bookmarks on several occasions. This is also Known As Fixing Something That AIN'T Broke or Fixing something until it is broke. Now, just try and get help from them. It's like dealing with the DMV or your local Public Works Dept.. You'd get more help from a rock. IF on the off chance you do get a reply, they don't speak English. The words they use look and sound like it but, it's more like gibberish.

I just spent two weeks getting my Security Camera System working. The instruction Book was translated from an unknown language. Talking to their Tech Help was just as bad because, they just read from their copy of the Instruction Manual. Then (I don't know how) they thought I said it was broken and sent me a shipping label.

I found a Web-site that made a Resin AMC I6 (232 / 258 c.i. engine as well as other Resin goodies some time ago. I was ecstatic. I was looking for an AMC I6 for an International Scout Half Cab model I was going to build.

What I should have done was add their email address to my "Contacts". Hind sight, right? Now I can't find them to save my life.

I think I'm going to have to get one of those 3D Printers so I can make my own parts. I'll never have to use Resin parts or mess around with Epoxy Glues again.

Sorry, I'm still trying to find the right Forum. It's a real pain. I haven't figured out how I keep getting to this one.


the testors cap will have no problem spraying alclad chrome , but it will put out a heavier coat than is ideal to get the high chrome shine.

at best it will look like shiny raw aluminum


I don't feel exactly your pain but being color blind and almost blind in my right eye I know some of what your going through I just wish I was closer to help you out but i'm sure someone will post soon who can

  • 10 months later...

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