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Need some Opinions on an old airbrush!

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Hey guys, I'm Caleb, owner of American Classic Models I have an old sears brand single-action bottom-feed airbrush, and I'm thinking about using it. I have all the other essentials, compressor, regulator, braided hose, etc, and it seems to look a lot like some of the new badger models, its older so keep in mind its probably built to last. Those cheap plastic starter airbrushes from hobby lobby don't do the trick. Just need some opinions on whether or not its good to use. Of course it will need a good cleaning. The model number is 364-15506 I think.

Thanks guys, any help would be appreciated!

Don't forget to check out my great friend, Jameston Kroon, over at www.scalefinishes.com for high-quality paints.


Here's the airbrush:


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That's a private-label Badger 200. Badger used to make a lot of airbrushes for other retailers. It's a great single-action airbrush. It's probably the older version of the 200 before Badger changed the head style on them. I'll bet if you send it to Badger they'll go through it and fix anything that's amiss. Badger is an extremely modeler-friendly company!

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