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drag racing questions

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Hi guys....I always wanted to build a drag racing model but never really knew how to get started. I wanna build a 1/16 scale dodge Daytona pro mod.I seen a few guys on here build em an they turn out magnificant.so I have a few questions on how to get started.feel free to give any kind of advice that may help me.

#1.... where do I buy the body and any parts i would need?

#2.... for the roll cage is there a certain way to build it or do you guys look at a picture n go off of that? And how would you size it down to scale?

#3.... do I really have to know about pro mods to build one or is there enough info on the internet that I can copy it?

#4.... is there anything I should know before I start one?

#5.... I've never worked with resin. Is there anything special I need to do or know bout it?

That's all the questions I can think of for now. Feel free to give any advice or help on this subject. In advance thanks for all the help and answers.

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Hi guys....I always wanted to build a drag racing model but never really knew how to get started. I wanna build a 1/16 scale dodge Daytona pro mod.I seen a few guys on here build em an they turn out magnificant.so I have a few questions on how to get started.feel free to give any kind of advice that may help me.

#1.... where do I buy the body and any parts i would need?

answer flashpoint motorsports is where you would buy that body. I have both 24 and 16 scale bodies from them and they are excelent.

#2.... for the roll cage is there a certain way to build it or do you guys look at a picture n go off of that? And how would you size it down to scale?

answer take a look in the drag racing section at the way everyone builds the cages. there are a pretty specific way that every one builds it including myself. Start with the floor and then the transrails and work your way from the inside out. Its a lot harder to put a detail in the cockpit after you have the full cage built. so planning is the key here and lots and lots of photos. there are tons all over the web as well as almost a step by step on how guys here do theirs. As far as tube size i believe .100 would be correct for a 1/16 scale build. everything you do divide by 16 and that will give you your size. so 1.75" tubing is what is generally used divide by 16 and you get .109 so step that down to your .100 and go from there

#3.... do I really have to know about pro mods to build one or is there enough info on the internet that I can copy it?

answer no you dont really need to know about them but personally they are my favorite build subject cause i absolutely love the raw power and beauty of the real cars. but there is enough reference material online you can put together an entire car without knowing anything about them. if you like pm me and i can send you some of my reference photos. I have ones found online as well as ones i have taken at the races.

#4.... is there anything I should know before I start one?

answer plan it out....there can be a lot that go into one of these cars as your basically scratch building an entire car from parts gathered all around the place. so just plan your build dont just dig in and go for it, you are almost certain to overlook something and not be happy with the result or not want to undo what you just spent a few days doing.

#5.... I've never worked with resin. Is there anything special I need to do or know bout it?

answer best general advice i can give here is to clean with weslys bleach before doing anything. wear a dust mask when sanding it down. If you are unsure about the paint your using if it will work with the resin, either spray a little bit on the inside to see how it reacts, or the bodies will generally come with the windows filled in, cut that out and save it for test spraying later on. Other wise its a lot like plastic when it comes to final painting after you have your primer on.

hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions. I know pro mod cars can be intimidating but they results and rewards are outstanding and you will be very happy with yourself after you accomplish a build.

That's all the questions I can think of for now. Feel free to give any advice or help on this subject. In advance thanks for all the help and answers.

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I would build a Pro Mod style car from an available kit first to get a grasp of what is involved with these cars. Revell has several Sportsman class cars, two '55 or '56 Chevy "shoebox" racers and a new release Jukebox Ford. These have the big engines, tube chassis and full roll cages that you would wind up having to scratch build with your resin project.

The builders here who are doing this level of work look to me to be using 1:1 examples from the Internet. The chassis they build resemble the ones from pro racing shops like Jerry Bickel Racing and Chassis Works. ChassisWorks.com has a good on-line catalogue of chassis to look at.

Resin is a different animal if you've never worked with it. You have to use either Super Glue (ca) or epoxy. Plastic glue won't stick to it.

By the way, the folks on this board doing this level of construction with plastic are only a welders certificate away from building real race cars.

Good luck and I don't mean to discourage you.


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