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On a forum that I used to frequent some time ago there was a thread for posting the things that happened to irk you that day. Sometimes we can all get a little annoyed with the little things. For instance I was irritated with one of the dogs at home this morning because he doesn't like to go outside in the morning if it's cooler than 65 degrees. Spoiled by creature comforts I would say.. And sometimes it's the bigger things like losing a wallet and someone stealing your identity. On some level these things can be irrationally bothersome. So why not have a place to vent a little. It feels good to get things off your chest, doesn't it? Please understand that this is not a place to post personal attacks or evaluations of other members. On a lighter note, I will also create a thread for things that have lifted your spirits. Fire at will!


Too darn many TV commercials on AT THE SAME TIME ON EVERY CHANNEL.

They do it that way on purpose. If all the shows are running commercials at the same time, they figure you'll have less of a reason to skip over to another channel to check out what's on over there. It's all about keeping you tuned in.


Think I broke a toe when getting ready for work (slid on the wet bathroom floor and hit a corner of the wall)............and I work retail, so the only time I had to sit down once I got there was lunch, a bathroom break, and when finishing up closing paperwork at the end of the day..........and of course, it was on my birthday too.............happy birthday to me...............


I was watching the NHRA Carolina Nationals that I had DVR'd and had watched the first round when stupid NASCAR cut in and took over!! :angry:AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! Now, I'm going to have to try to find coverage on the 'net and watch it on my computer. I've just reached a new level of hatred for NASCAR!


Nascar is not the problem.It's the _______ at ESPN that decided we just had to watch it. Drag racing has been getting a raw deal all along.


Looking at the different channel packages that the cable company offers. I do not watch any stupid reality shows. I get tired of paying for channels that I never watch. The cable people are no fools, though. We have to pay for 6 channels of garbage to get one channel we like. I wish that TV channels would see that as a sign to quit airing garbage, but I'm daydreaming.


I wish that TV channels would see that as a sign to quit airing garbage, but I'm daydreaming.

Yes you are. The fact is, a lot of TV garbage is very popular. That's why we keep getting more and more of it. Don't blame the TV industry, blame the idiots who watch the garbage and by doing so, are telling the TV industry to create more garbage! They will only create the programs that they think the public wants... and the public likes garbage on TV!


I miss the old Discovery, TLC, Court TV, and History channels. I remember people referring to History as "The Hitlery Channel", but at least WWII is history. Ice Road Truckers? Some show about taxidermists? Ridiculous. Discovery...oh brother. Amish Thugs? I recently looked into getting rid of some channels. I may just do it anyway. I don't think that the few programs I watch are worth the price. Maybe I could spend that time constructively, like building models or working on my real car.


Oh yeah- something else that irked me today was my first service call (I'm a plumber). It was a warranty call. Short version: a coworker didn't feel like doing it right at 5:30pm, 30 miles from home. I had to tell the homeowner that she needed a more expensive repair (minus what she already spent). I've seen this before and it always blows my mind. YES, it's a PITA to get a call at 5:30pm, but if a plumber doesn't like that, he should get a job that ends at 4pm. It's not fair to the homeowner who has to take more time out of their schedule to get it fixed again. It's not fair to the employer who loses money paying a guy to fix something for free or at reduced cost. It's not fair to the coworker who has to stand there and get berated/apologize profusely for something that a lazy coworker did.


Being out of work! Every few weeks something great and promising is dangled in front of me, only to fizzle out. And then I'm back to the starting point again. What is wrong with these companies??

Posted (edited)

Co-workers that don't give a toot about what the warehouse looks like the day before the CEO arrives. Managers that don't give a toot

about said coworkers not giving a toot. Me getting blamed for not "stepping up" and helping when I was the one voicing my concerns about said co-workers! Yep, had a nice, long meeting with my boss over that. And it's not just when the CEO or somebody else important, it's every day. Dayshift constantly eating into my shift putting me an hour and a half behind, leaving me with a dead forklift. I need another job.

Edited by metalhead

Co-workers that don't give a toot about what the warehouse looks like the day before the CEO arrives. Managers that don't give a toot

about said coworkers not giving a toot. Me getting blamed for not "stepping up" and helping when I was the one voicing my concerns about said co-workers! Yep, had a nice, long meeting with my boss over that. And it's not just when the CEO or somebody else important, it's every day. Dayshift constantly eating into my shift putting me an hour and a half behind, leaving me with a dead forklift. I need another job.

Ryan, I had that same darn problem when I was a night manager at a large warehouse. Things not finished, no cleanup done, Forklifts out of propane just left where they ran out. Bent warehouse racks where someone crashed into them. And of coarse the night shift got blamed. Finally we decided it was a warehouse ghost because nobody would admit to nothing.

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