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Time to look into a whole-house alarm system like ADT, for example?

I remember back about 15 years ago, reading in the local paper (back when I could still stand to read that propaganda rag) and in the Police reports was a car break in, the stolen item? A car alarm system!


What irked me today? Snow. Not a monster storm.... just about an inch. Just enough to turn off everyones brain when driving. My 20.3 mile drive home from work was about 100 miles worth of aggravation.


Posted (edited)

Believe me... you're not missing anything by not knowing what "twerk" means... :lol:

Harry's reply was interpreted by me as "Go Google it yourself!"

I now know what's "twerking". :lol:

Edited by FASTBACK340

Yep they got stuff and or just tore things up...some of my old childhood Johans,MPC stuff is gone or just tossed about...so far only a few late 50s and some 60s promos gone.

I'm so sorry to hear this.... :(


yep it sure does...they found the model collection room too...its depressing to say the least...no idea of what if anything else was messed with or gone yet.

Oh man - vandalized or just rifled through? It happened to me just before Christmas several years ago; thank God they didn't bust the models. And the cops caught the bastard as he was leaving.


If the police didn't say so already, toss your toothbrushes and any open food containers, and rewash your dishes.

Never heard that caution before, although I can see where it would make some sense.

Charlie Larkin


Oh man - vandalized or just rifled through? It happened to me just before Christmas several years ago; thank God they didn't bust the models. And the cops caught the bastard as he was leaving.

The cops here are about useless unless Chris. They got some important to me stuff and tossed around stuff...some models/kits are gone others damaged...missing some 60s promos and Johan,MPC kits and a few other AMTs....I had a couple of light up advertising signs one with a clock from the 60s there both gone and a few other household items. Straightened up my model room last night sure there will be more noticed in time...some were from my childhood and from my dads old collection...they hurt the most....mean more to me than money which I don't have anyway.


Just in time for Christmas my house got broke into today....

Mark, I feel your pain man that happened to me 4 years ago and the feeling you get knowing that someone has violated your domain and been through your stuff is just horrible, fortunately for me they caught the LOW LIFE PIECES OF S_ _ T that purpetrated this dasterdly deed, and they both did some time and one of them is now making retitution, the other one has not paid a dime and probably should have a cap popped between his eyes!! :angry: let me get off the soap box before I blow a head gasket. Mark I'm sure sorry that this happened to you and I sure hope they catch the scum bags that did this to you!! ;):(


I would hit the local flea markets and similar places. Some of your losses are hard to fence so they most likely would be resold at seond hand shops and flea markets.


Yep its a huge bummer guys....I am sure since many got tossed about knocked off shelves dumped there will be many parts Ill need to try and find to do any repairs to the ones still here...that will be tough many are from the 60s era and with my lack of any real budget??? Seems like every time I do some more cleaning up I find something else gone or damaged....depressing to say the least. Noticed they got my old International and Massey Ferguson farm tractor kits too...my heart just keeps on sinking over it all. Hopefully maybe some of my brothers in plastic can help once I figure out what all my dads oldies and mine will need now the list was already huge to start with????...really gives one a lost feeling for all ones efforts to save some family history.


Yep its a huge bummer guys....I am sure since many got tossed about knocked off shelves dumped there will be many parts Ill need to try and find to do any repairs to the ones still here...that will be tough many are from the 60s era and with my lack of any real budget??? Seems like every time I do some more cleaning up I find something else gone or damaged....depressing to say the least. Noticed they got my old International and Massey Ferguson farm tractor kits too...my heart just keeps on sinking over it all. Hopefully maybe some of my brothers in plastic can help once I figure out what all my dads oldies and mine will need now the list was already huge to start with????...really gives one a lost feeling for all ones efforts to save some family history.

I feel you pain, when I lived in Pittsburgh I got robbed.. my X-Box, DVD player DVDs .. my Television , but the one thing they got I can never replace , my Dad's WWII ribbons & medals .. still kills me to this day .. These guys sound like they were at least a little knowledgeable about plastic given the description of the stuff you said they took. Button up tight, if they know you have more ..

Posted (edited)

Yep its a huge bummer guys....I am sure since many got tossed about knocked off shelves dumped there will be many parts Ill need to try and find to do any repairs to the ones still here...that will be tough many are from the 60s era and with my lack of any real budget??? Seems like every time I do some more cleaning up I find something else gone or damaged....depressing to say the least. Noticed they got my old International and Massey Ferguson farm tractor kits too...my heart just keeps on sinking over it all. Hopefully maybe some of my brothers in plastic can help once I figure out what all my dads oldies and mine will need now the list was already huge to start with????...really gives one a lost feeling for all ones efforts to save some family history.

Are you sure you weren't targeted by someone that has seen your collection?

99.9% of thieves have no idea what kits are worth, let alone to pick and choose certain kits and models. Most are drug addicts looking for cash, jewelry and other things they can sell very fast for easy cash or trade for dope. Plastic models aren't a quick buck kind of thing. Pawn shops and meth dealers don't want toy kits.

It's just too odd that you'd get broken into by a random thief that was also well versed in plastic models.

Edited by hpiguy

Are you sure you weren't targeted by someone that has seen your collection?

99.9% of thieves have no idea what kits are worth, let alone to pick and choose certain kits and models. Most are drug addicts looking for cash, jewelry and other things they can sell very fast for easy cash or trade for dope. Plastic models aren't a quick buck kind of thing. Pawn shops and meth dealers don't want toy kits.

It's just too odd that you'd get broken into by a random thief that was also well versed in plastic models.

kinda what I was eluding to.. it does sound pretty sketchy that some random crackhead that robbed you happens to have knowledge of plastic ?


Chris...I think they just cleared off one shelf and seen a few items that anyone would know could bring some money...many others worth more were just tossed to the floor and they did not touch the computer in our bedroom or any TVs? House is secure now....if they come back I really hope they do when I am here I will do the public a service. There are very few people in this world that have any clue to what was here...someone just got lucky if they have a clue what they got. Some of my old stuff from my childhood and my dads oldies have very little value as far as money...just meant more to me. Models were not the only things they got...household items and some money.etc. were taken or tossed around too. Local cops will never find them...it holds nothing for them to spend any time on here...fill out a report and oh i am sorry but you know the chances of catching anyone is slim.



Sorry to hear of your bad luck!

For the rest of you guys, be aware - it's the season for thieves to be more active.

Also, while I enjoy the posts on the other thread in this forum (How Big Is Your Stash?), thieves can watch this forum (& others) to figure out who's got what, thus I don't ever post that sort of info.


Mark, sorry to hear about your break in. And I know what you mean about the local cops being useless. A few years ago I had a contractor who was working on my house in NJ go bankrupt and walk away. One of his subs came and stole the air conditioner compressor from my back yard. He also crossed the electric wires and fried all the controls on the system.

Local suburban cops were called immediately. Neighbor across the street saw it happen and was happy to assist. So we had a theft and vandalism. We knew who did it and had a witness. A gift wrapped solved case. What did the local detectives do? They called the guy and asked him to come in for questioning. He refused. Did they go get him, no. He lived a distance away and they said they couldn't go get him. So the clown got away with it.


I would hit the local flea markets and similar places. Some of your losses are hard to fence so they most likely would be resold at seond hand shops and flea markets.

Or Craigslist from Quincy to St Louis


Thanks guys its nice to know someone does care about it other than for me...helps a little bit. Been looking through stuff scattered around and compiling a list of things Ill have to find to repair stuff now that is of importance to me...other stuff oh well what can one do. Some ill never be able to find again or afford again anyway now. Just have had too bad of luck for the last few years I guess. I cant give up building its pretty much all i do and is my life anymore but times like this makes one wonder. Will have a list ready soon of needs and special ones lost to post just in case someone has any spares???..don't know???


Sorry to hear of your loss. I hate theifs. Many years ago I had a brand new Yamaha tri z 250 stolen from my sisters garage. Talk about being angry. It was recovered about 8 months later and still in pretty good condition with a almost new set of paddles on aluminum wheels. Cops would not release it from the yard it was in for almost a month and I had to pay quite a bit to get it out. Seemed unfair then and still seems unfair today.


Friday the 13th is still at it on the 15th.......

Earlier this week my Jeep would break the back tires loose without hesitation on the salt coated roads, but on friday is started to act like it was slipping on the way home from time to time. That continued on Saturday from the time I left the house to the time I got home. Dad goes to borrow it this morning and it does it for him too. I looked out and saw a puddle of something under the right side and radiator this morning. So we go and check it and find the trans so low that it doesn't register. We fill it up then turn it off and look back a few minutes later, and that ATF is dripping right back out..........guess I'll have to expose the 200 to some salt until we can get it fixed.

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