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Removing Alclad chrome with Super Clean

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Hi folks, looks like I over did the coats of Alclad chrome and now have a dull finish. I am learning and did not realize Alclad needs to be misted using very light coats. I kind of used the same rule of thumb for a regular color application and sprayed too much on the parts.

So with that, I want to strip the parts and start over. Has anyone used Super Clean to strip Alclad chrome? I thought I would ask before trying it. If it is a problem I can finish the model as is and try my Alclad skills on the next build.

Thanks for the help.

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It needs to misted on, very low psi, like 12 or so. Also, I watched a video on Youtube that said to mist on coats at an angle, about 45 degrees. This has helped me as well.

when you are done, take an extremely soft or smooth cloth, like kleenex or a polishing cloth and give it a really light couple of buffing passes. This will get rid of the fine paint dust that dries on the surface and shine it up a bit.

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Great info to know, thanks for the Windex tip. I juts used Alclad for the first time recently and did the light mist coats and all worked out perfectly. I am sure the strip technique will be useful to me in the future.

I also did not know that a light buff will improve the shine, I need to try that.

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