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Glue Questions for a novice

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I am returning to this hobby after about a 30 year absence. I have what is probably going to be considered a real stupid question.

When I built models when I was younger I made sure that plastic was glued to plastic. If there was paint of chrome I would scrap off the surface that needed to be glued on the mating parts and then glued them together. If I scrapped to much I would have to go back and touch up the paint after it dried.

My question is if other glues will hold well enough to a painted surface? It seems this would be easier for instance when assembling engine parts. I could paint all the different colored parts individually and then glue them together with out scraping the painted surfaces.

I have seen some videos on you tube of people using testors enamel clear to glue the parts together. I would think that the bond would not be as strong with this but maybe it is.

My concern is looking realistic and also having a strong bond. Overall I am just confused on this - Any help would be appreciated as I have no idea what I am doing :)

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This might not answer your question,sometimes I will put a dab of Elmer's glue at the glue joint.Then you can paint the part,pop off the glue.You have a clean surface you can plastic glue together with minimal paint touch-up.

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What an unbelievable response to my question. Thank you all so much for your great ideas. The response to a new guys questions are really appreciated. This is the right way to expand peoples interest in the hobby. All the help from all of you is so appreciated. Thanks again!

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