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Glue Help!!!!

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I am working on the L700 dodge model truck and just finished up the rolling chassis, I have a few more pieces to glue to the frame that is already painted, I had some problems with the testors red tube glue eating off the paint in the mud flap area of the frame where the mud flap bars attach. Is there a glue that will hold to paint and not eat it up? plus I still have the engine and other parts to assemble, with the fear of the paint being ruined. Any help would be appreciated

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I use super glue for a lot of things like that, only problem is that it can fog the paint. It seems to be different, depending on brand and type of glue, but there's always a chance that it will happen. In my experience, you can avoid that by hitting it with accelerator before the fogging appears. IMO, the safest alternative on painted surfaces would be a water based glue. It's not very strong, but it won't harm paint and it's easy to wipe off if you make a mess, so I think it's great for final assemblies. If you want a stronger joint, I'd recommend epoxy.

And I agree with Andy, tube glues are nasty, and they are really not good for anything. I guess they don't dry quick enough, so they stay wet long enough for the solvents to attach just about anything.

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They do make non-fogging superglues! Also the fresher the glue is the less chance of it fogging. Ventilation helps too. Buy the good superglue from the hobby shop not the cheezy stuff from the check out counter! An extra buck or two will save much heartache later on.

White glue ( Crystal Clear or Elmers) is great for a number of things as long as it isn't too structural. I always use crystal clear on windows and other clear parts.

I hardly ever use 5 minute epoxy any more. It is a good product and I used to use it a lot but my model building evolved and I only use it once every other year now! I actually do use JB Weld once in a while - strongest glue in my glue arsenal!

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They do make non-fogging superglues! Also the fresher the glue is the less chance of it fogging. Ventilation helps too. Buy the good superglue from the hobby shop not the cheezy stuff from the check out counter! An extra buck or two will save much heartache later on.

That's good news, I didn't know that there are non-fogging CA-glues! Are there any brands/types in particular that you would recommend? I love CA and use a lot of it, but after a few disasters I always have that nagging feeling that something bad will happen so I'm very careful with how and where I use it. I usually use Loctite gel as it works well, it's easy to find, doesn't dry too quickly and the fogging seems to be minimal as long as you don't use excessive amounts. Best thing about it is that the cap never sticks. :angry: But I'm sure there are better alternatives that are made especially for model building.

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