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I received the photos taken at NNL East of my Barracuda from the my friend Tom Valenta. Thank you for sending them!




Photos courtesy of Tom Valenta/Model Cars Magazine


What a beautiful model!!!

Are these drag radials are from Fireball models??

Sorry for re-hashing this build, but the photo's were so nice I had to share them. As you guys know, it was included in this issues coverage of NNL East and I appreciate the coverage. I just wish I had the time during the summer months to build. As it is, I'm enjoying a morning of coffee in front of the TV while internet-surfing, but I'm out in the garage shortly to repair some wonky clutch issues that developed on a 2-3 power shift last night. Every day….every night….. I'm under a car.

And to answer your question, yes, those are Chief Joseph's beautiful Drag Radials in 1/24 that look "just right" on my build.


Thanks for the compliments guys.

FWIW: I did something really stupid last night and engaged in an illicit contest of speed on public streets. Late model 6.1 Challenger. Had him by third gear when the clutch linkage jammed. My clutch pedal hit the stop and slipped past it. My clutch pedal was against the bottom of my dash & I couldn't step down on it! But this is what I do during the summer. I build, and break, my toys. But I had him…. wow. B)

Posted (edited)

Not too shabby!

Did he stop and check in with you afterwards?

He's probably sick his new ride can't hold up to old school precision. But I know the old A Body 340 Mopars embarrassed a lot of guys!

But he has a nice car too.


Edited by 10thumbs

Did he stop and check in with you afterwards?

Once I realized I was out of the game I slowed down ( we were on a well-traveled public road….) and I waved and signaled and turned down a side street. I didn't want to work on the car on a busy road, and I didn't want to embarrass myself by breaking my stuff in order to out-run him. I fixed it with a tire iron and limped it home. The pedal assembly is coming out (hopefully….) today and I'll weld in more reinforcement . But I'm just so tired of working every day. <_<


...."fixed it with a tire iron". Gotta love it, spoken like a true wrench. Reminds me of a cool uncle I loved to be around with as a kid. He was in to boats, some bigger and some were smaller. He thought everyone on earth should have a big ball peen hammer, it could help fix about anything.

I still have one.



I don't know whom is credited with this ancient statement, but my personal favorite is "You can fix anything with a hammer, hacksaw, and a torch".

Which brings this all full-circle: I just got in from surveying the situation and realized I can weld it in the car. So instead of killing myself today to get the steering column & pedals out (rough work in tight quarters), I can drive the car like a normal person and go to work, lay out a welding blanket, and MIG in a reinforcement plate that's a little more solid than the factory stamping. In less than a half hour.

Basically, torch it is….. :lol:


Very nice model.

I'm glad the worst to come out of your street race was broken equipment. Here, there have been several fatalities due to spontaneous, informal street races in the past year.


Very nice model.

I'm glad the worst to come out of your street race was broken equipment. Here, there have been several fatalities due to spontaneous, informal street races in the past year.

Yeah, it was in poor judgement, but I know the area and we had a good, uninterrupted stretch of road where we could play. I also had my wife riding shot-gun (she's pretty cool….) and we had a good time. It's hard at times not to go for the cheese …… :D


Very nice model.

I'm glad the worst to come out of your street race was broken equipment. Here, there have been several fatalities due to spontaneous, informal street races in the past year.

your right, street racing is illegal, god bless there were no children or elderly around the area.


I got a bit frantic at NNL looking for a camera lens, so I didn't have a chance to see your 'Cuda, John. Are you considering bringing it to LIARS?

Nice pictures. I wonder if I could a copy of the pictures of my PT from Tom?

Charlie Larkin

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