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Thought I would take the opposite side of the other thread...

Today I am blessed to be alive. Times might be tough, skies might be grey, lights may go dark, but there is always good to be found.

Why not tell us what pleased you today?

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LOL! James if you go back through the archives of this section (I'm not sure how far back) you will find that there was a thread on the opposite side of What irked you today. But everyone is too busy being irked and that thread has long since disappeared. Kudos to you for trying to resurrect it.

I'm pleased that I have a loving wife, a good job, a lovely home, a couple of serviceable everyday cars in the driveway and a Model A Ford in the garage waiting for some attention. I have a great hobby, model car building, that I enjoy and have made many friends through. Compared to people in most other areas of the world I live a charmed life. And I promise to try to remember all this when the people at work are driving me around the bend.


Grateful to have another day to enjoy life.


I'm healthy . . . healthier than most people my age . . . and I've lived a healthy life for a respectable amount of time beyond AARP qualification . . . and I did it all the while enjoying red meat, McDonald's, and a lot of the other evil, 'doom-to-the-planet-and-all-who-inhabit-it' products that are vilified by some. I enjoy some Rocky Mountain Spring Water from time to time and have a good friend named Jack who visits my diet colas from time to time. My doc has me drop by from year to year but sees no reason to have me come in more than that. Once I get new knee or two (too many years climbing, rappelling, rescuing, crawling, jumping fences and running after society-scourges), I'll be golden. Life's good and I thank the Lord for that.


My cat Ert sat on my lap and wanted me to pet him..!

You need me to stop by, sounds like you could use a night out!


Yeah, I go along with the waking up thing too. Every day that I open my eyes is a good day. I too am also pleased when I win an EBAY auction for a good, cheap price without getting sniped in the last 5 seconds.


My cat-friend of 14 years is still alive this morning. She's been in decline for several weeks and stayed out all night, but I found her this AM. She is having a hard time walking, but she's still breathing, and has a pretty good appetite.


Like everyone else says, I woke up this morning on the right side of the dirt.

My weeks from hell have ended and I'm on vacation. The grandchildren will be here day after tomorrow and the fun shall begin.

Can you say modelbuilding ?



Hmmm... I won two eBay auctions today with 6 second snipes! :rolleyes: But you guys don't care, the lots are for my stamp collection. Funny thing, the one item is very rare. I have an eBay search agent on it and I hadn't seen one in years. One was for sale last month and it went for a lot more than I anticipated. So this week a second one appears (that sometimes happens, someone sees the big number and decides to sell theirs in the following weeks to get in on those dollars!) and I had no competition! I bought it for less than half the other one went for.

And the big one of the day...I have a full size refrigerator in the shed next to my pool. Plugged it in last year and it worked but never got cold. So I figured something went wrong with it over the winter. I unplugged it and let it sit. Today I was cleaning out the shed and planned on tossing the refrigerator. I actually had it strapped to the hand truck, and had moved it out onto the patio. Then I plugged my shop vac into the outlet and guess what? No power at all! So I plugged the refrigerator into an outdoor outlet and it cooled right down. Even froze a cup of water! So now it's back in the shed with beer in it! I replaced the outlet and all is well.


Just found out that the issue of Evangel is out and has an article on Kabuki Syndrome and has us in it. Picking up my copy tomorrow. !!!!


My prayers have been answered, and my sons are healthy and my granddaughters also. I have everything I need and honestly want. Life is good.

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A member here has decided to join in a help support the disabled builders group I started with a donation of some kits,supplies,etc.he is sending.

He has my deepest thanks and appreciation for his kindness...a great guy to help out or even want to in the first place. Thank you!


My sister closed on her new place here in Arizona today. Has lived in the Chicago area her entire life ( 65 yrs. ) and will be relocating here in Surprise Arizona near my other sister. This past winter was all she could stand and did not want to suffer through another one. I will be winging my way out there on the 15 th. of next month to help her pack and get ready to have her stuff picked up and shipped. What I am not looking forward to is the drive back to Arizona. She has a Toyota Corolla which is fine as it is only 2 years old but she had 4 (yes 4 ) cats that will be each in their own kennels. Going to be an adventure for sure ! : )

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