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He's living in Hawaii right now. Its interesting if you read more of the links. The model one in particular. He's getting an expensive 3D printer and will be learning a cad program to make prototypes for an innovative injection process. No specifics to what he is using.

Also he admits he is using the preorders to get the tools and materials for this project. Then he offers a money back guarantee on your preorder.How can he do that if he's spent the money?

Sorry guys too few concrete details for how this project is going to work. I've got nothing against the guy and I would love to add a Uncertain T to my collection but I can't see this happening.


heres something: since he is allegedly such a litigious guy, maybe people ought to stop with the unproven character assassination before they get slapped with a libel and slander suit by some anxious lawyer. this sort of slander is not typically allowed in threads on this board, no matter what the rep of the subject. he has ripped no one off yet (possible exception: designer of kool T shirt above) and just because he has his head in the clouds doesn't necessarily mean he is anything more than a dreamer whose dreams have turned out before and may again.

and dude, 50$ doesn't buy loyalty, at least not from me. ever buy a lottery ticket? same principle here. no loyalty, just a chance to gamble on getting something I would like to have, and don't like seeing someone crucified in public for scant real reason. if you look at the list of contributors so far on the web site, you will notice some familiar names, so I am not completely alone in this willingness to plunk down a few buck in return for a possible payoff.



All I can say is this would be an ideal crowd funding project. However the catch is you have to have to have details presented for it to fly not just a bunch of hand waving.

I would be happy to be wrong about this but I don't see it happening it takes more than good intentions for things like this to work.



Your absolutely right, its a shame to see some guys intentions questioned so much, but with good reason they are questioned... as far as his litigious side? that could only be explored if he could convince some lawyer to do pro bono work for him, (which he is continually looking for), and slander has to be untrue, I don't think anyone has said anything that isn't true have they? Besides, his first legal action according to him would be to sue the guy that owns the car, because again, according to him, he should be able to restore and show the car himself.... ?

BTW, he paid me, I have no personal beef with the guy.. only personal knowledge of how he does business.

If you have not followed the Steve Scott story for very long it may seem that people are a bit harsh on him, but for anyone that has followed it, it is obvious that the guy is not always genuine.

If your looking at the $50 as you would the lottery, that's totally cool... good luck, new and improved uncertain T kits would be a very cool thing to win.

Jeff Allison :)


WOW! I can not believe how this has blown up ,If you don,t like STEVE fine ,If you don,t like the UNCERTAIN T that,s fine to .But I think he built an awesome car and should have not sold it .but we all have done things we wish we could take back .it,s a chance to may be help some one and may be bring back a cool model kit [ MAY BE ] .that,s it .

I feel bad for him and would like to help out ,that,s all . If you think about how he built that car and how it turned out and won so meany shows .just a collage guy with a dream on a dare . If he dose nothing more in his life he will all ways have that ,



OK, this is thread just needs to be shut down. This guy is going full blown pie in the sky with this. Only model geeks and old guys remember that car and most just don't care.

Most of the attraction to this kit now is for how rare it has become and not due to fond memories of it. I never had one and was not even born when it was built! I just want one for the sheer curiousity of it!

So, if anyone wants to sponsor me to go to Hawaii and surf, start sending me money!


For the record I have no beef against Steve. I like the Uncertain T. The issue I have is that I don't believe he understands what this project is going to cost. The pre sale is going to only generate 15 thousand. A big chunk of the money is going to the printer and the software.

Where is the money for the molds coming from?

What are they going to cost?

How many kits does he think he can sell?

How many does he think he needs to sell to break even?

If he needs an investor he is going to have to answer these questions and more.

This isn't picking on Steve Scott. This is just the reality of what it takes to do a project of this scope.



I never thought the Uncertin-T was that cool anyway.

Agreed. I never got what all the fuss was about. I do like the 1:24 scale injected Nail head, rear wheels and slicks in the original kit though. Would be a good parts kit to me if it was ever reissued.




How many of you bought into this ? POSTER_emaial.jpg

I bought a copy of it. Not a bad movie. Maybe not the best I have ever seen but far from the worst.


The point being , sometimes peoples dream's do come true with a little help from others. I bought in and thoroughly enjoyed the film, refreshing in the midst of the more serious efforts of the time walker21f-3-web.jpg


Y'know, part of me thinks it would be rather intriguing to help Steve out but I really don't have the money to throw at someone else's unattainable pipe-dream. There's that and the fact that he really doesn't like hunters. Here's his delusional rant about hunters:

ANYONE who is in ANY way into or involved in ANY form of mistreatment, abuse, cruelty, inflicting pain, etc., to people or animals, such as, and not limited to: TRAPPING, DOG FIGHTING, COCK FIGHTING, the terrible practices of "BAITING" including BEARS and WOLVES; CLUBBING BABY SEALS in Canada, KILLING WOLVES... OR ANYTHING ELSE for “sport”, “recreation” and “enjoyment”... YES... THAT MEANS HUNTERS OF ANY KIND!, etc., etc., etc. This also includes fishing, but only if your website significantly focuses on fishing as a “sport”.

Please DO NOT tell me the same old lie that you only hunt or fish for food! You can believe that if you want to, but it’s lame at best. It costs far, FAR less to go “hunting for food” in a grocery store! I feel that there’s something “missing” with people who enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on, and killing unsuspecting creatures... and then proudly even call it a “sport”... even fishing!


So, even if I won the lottery and offered Steve a full ride, I'm certain he couldn't, in good faith, accept my money. ;)


The Deuce of Spades is a play on the words, Ace of Spades, which is slang for death. The used to throw decks of cards with 52 Ace of Spades down on the Viet Cong from the air.

Does that mean a new Uncertain-T kit has met the Ace of Spades?

Posted (edited)

Actually the cards USPlayingCard3.jpgwere thrown down individually on enemy killed, letting charlie know who was there, not much different than native American Warriors of the past counting coup ( you can look that one up on your own. ;) )

Edited by Greg Myers

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