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About msracing012

  • Birthday 02/01/1958

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Michael Saunders

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MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. I will definatly buy one,maybe more for a few other guys here in Australia
  2. Wayne,when will the 37 be available to purchase
  3. Wayne,the chassis that is in the pics is for the 68 Camaro,I know this because i have both of the TDR 68 & 69 Camaro bodys and chassis.The back halfs are different.The 69 Camaro body wont fit the 68 chassis
  4. This THIEF takes your cash,does NOT send goods.Pass the word around,im sure as hell i have and will continue to do so about this guy.It worries me that this guy is probably sitting back and laughing about it,but hey,not for much longer. Theres a thing called karma,and i believe in karma,what goes around,comes around
  5. This thief is conning everyone.Ill give you a rundown of his activities. His first Ebay sellers name was - Rdsxfan2 - got caught placeing items on ebay,takeing the cash and not sending goods.Ebay kicked him off. Next scam he tryed to pull- went under the name of - marksfreeshippingstore - same deal- would place items on ebay - people would pay for items won - items never sent- ebay and paypal where made awhare of this. Next scam - went under sellers name of - dami_ alex .once again,ebay and paypal where notified of this scammer. Now - he is trying to sell items on ebay useing the sellers name of - buttercup2012- who- by a coincidence- is this marks wife.Once again Ebay and paypal have been notified of this. What makes this all tie together about this blatant thief and con man,is that all said sellers names where selling the same product,from the same area, Rdsxfan2 was a guy by the name of Mark.We have marksfreeshippinhstore as his next sellers name,and now buttercup2012 just happens to be the wife of a guy by the name of mark. Be very allert guys - THIS GUY IS A BLODDY THIEF AND CONMAN - DONT BUY OFF HIM,YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR MONEY
  6. Terrys cuda body is spotless,i have one and must say cant fault the finished product.Will add my 2bobs worth,is a great man to deal with,have been buying his products from day dot,
  7. Some clown stated i have to be patient,how patient do you have to be,4mths,dont think so,the thief just took my money and didnt send goods.Is that patience
  8. With me,didnt get goods i payed for at all,so ill bag out who i like
  9. This scammer is back on ebay.His first profile name was - rdsxfan2-then was changed to - marksfreeshippingstore - now the BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAHing thief is back selling on ebay under the profile of - dami -alex.Dont buy off this scumbag,he is a conman
  10. Make a mould of that truck and do a resin body of it - I would buy one
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