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About wcbrown

  • Birthday 08/23/1953

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    bill brown

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MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. danny, some serious modification going on here, i like it.
  2. update, since i was last here i have changed a few things still not rolling like i would like to be on this, but it's coming. started the hood louvers last night and this afternoon this will take awhile using .100 half round stock, really works well. i have also re worked the splitter and rear end since my last few photo's . i really don't want to primer until i have everything i want done on this body, i KNOW i'll be using spot putty and i want to wait until then, i am trying to avoid any kind of shrinkage since the plan is for this to be a "master". it makes it kind of difficult to make out a lot of the details, for instance, some of these shots look like gaps in the body, they are not. i used the old superglue baking soda technique on some areas, the body is actually smooth as a baby's.......well, you get the idea. i did pull a bone headed move that i have since rectified, i did NOT allow for the tailights to be countersunk, doh!!! i swear for every step forward.......... i have to re-do it, so what does that amount to? 4 steps backward?? who knows, anyhow now i am getting into the fun part of this build. thanks for looking. haha i keep editing, maybe i should just sit here until everything pops into my head! i am maintaining all the IMSA regs on this thing religiously, 79" max width, 103.5 wheelbase, low and F A T !!! i am really starting to like how this thing is coming, i can't wait until i start on the wing, anybody know where i can get a clear styrene drug testing urine sample vial??? LOL that's what i used on the original, new of course, i cut it in half and then, half again and it gave me a really accurate looking curvature for the plane of that wing. i'm on the look out for some kind of styrene bottle like that.
  3. i found this posting through a casual search..........S O M E B O D Y needs to do the body of this Mustang. that is a really "nasty" ride, pheeeew!
  4. this is going to be fun to watch, yum!
  5. the stainless micro screen in the "splitter" it's been quite a while and A LOT of brain cells have gone away, i cannot remember where i got this. anyone have any ideas on this??
  6. i remember keeping a "loose" tally of EVERYTHING in this build at the time, i came up with about $250.00!!!
  7. john.....nice projects...........s l o w, and STEADY!
  8. it's been sealed for awhile, it's not dried out by any means, never frozen. just inactive. the "lumps" are not that big, i was just hoping maybe someone knew a more efficient way of breaking them down. they WILL blend once they are "crushed" , it's just such a pain to stir this stuff and not have it overflow the can and all over my work table!
  9. i have some older evercoat eurosoft and though NOT dried out it is a bit lumpy. i bought some plastic honey to thin it and that's working, i do "chop" it up before blending the hardener. i laid some on my IMSA Olds project tonight and found when i started to sand not all the filler had cured. any tips on what i can do in this situation? thanks.
  10. john, i usually use a mixture of gold w/a touch of yellow, paint the spokes first, let them sit awhile. then i use a wash of thinned down flat black, and, a piece of tee shirt, dab the excess off the spokes! paint the center nut "steel"
  11. i am really bad at getting this photo thing down! and to top it off, i'm in the wrong section!!! geez!
  12. one of the "old" IMC 2E Chapparal's i embellished a bit.......... seems my other photos are a bit too large! uh oh i think i am breaking the rules using these size photo's, how do i make these go away? ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http://
  13. dave, will do!! his enthusiasm "fired" me back up!
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