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    Steve Lima

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MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Thank you for the compliment! They were fun to do as those were some of my favorite movies. That’s why I decided to do the museum after seeing another one done by Stangfreaks movie car museum. Absolutely awesome work!
  2. I just wanted to share some pics of my dioramas that I finished. They are the Duel movie chase scene. The end chase scene from Vanishing Point. A Motion Performance garage scene and a movie car museum. Some of the museum cars were already made into Diecast, but some I had to make. The Hollywood Knights, The Aloha Bobby and Rose Camaro’s. The Lincoln Continental MK III, ( from an original T-Bird hot wheels ) the 427 AC Cobra from The Gumball Rally, The ZZ Top Eliminator 34, The California Kid 34, The Rockford files Firebird and the 55 Chevy from TLB.
  3. Hey Guys, that’s what I was hoping to do...unload everything in one shot! Of course I’ll take a beating on the stuff, I expected that. I just want to get something back for it. If I had to do a table at a show I’d offer a buy it all option. I’m not going to sit there all day to sell an airbrush and a some modeling tweezers. That’s what concerns me. The table will probably cost me 75 - 100 alone. Thanks for you help.
  4. I didn’t know where else to post this question. I was wondering if anyone could suggest where or how to sell my collection of modeling tools, paints, air brushes, compressor, spray booth, and much more including resin, mags, tires and a few kits of which there are 2 finished bodies ( drag ) and a resin f/c mustang body. I’ve had no luck on eBay, I wouldn’t bother with Craig’s list either. I know you can’t sell on this site nor am I trying, I’m just looking for suggestions. I know there’s a show at DuPage co fairgrounds, but that’s not until September. Thanks for any help.
  5. Thanks, that is just masking tape cut to size, painted with a sharpie and a decal from a Slixx decal contingency sheet for the lettering on the belt. Also, after looking at pics of the car I noticed the blower hat was different. It looked like a Scot blower scoop, which is a resin piece. Comp resins, I think.
  6. Thanks guys, the decals were gofer racing and I used masking tape that I painted black then added a decal to it.
  7. Thank you Joe, you’re right...never say never. And it was for me a calming effect for a long time. Maybe I was just getting frustrated, with so much on my plate, and trying to catch up on builds. Either way, thank u for the kind words. I will have to keep watch on builds as they’re amazing to see.
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