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  1. Scored a 55' Chevy 'badboy' snap kit off ebay for 4 dollars. Its one of the polar lights caricature kits from the late 90's.
  2. Great start, that roof looks like it was made for the merc. If i may make a suggestion, i think if you did a wedge section out of the sides, it would make the car flow a little better.
  3. That Willys body looks fantastic. I remember hearing about it on the SMC website, i think, but hadn't seen the final product. The roadster looks great as well, how labor intensive does working the body turn out to be? Ive done 1:1 glass work and i hate it, but i've got to admit that i would love to get my hands on one of these bodies one day.
  4. Neat products. Cant wait to see the build up of the fiberglass willys body. I would guess that you made the body as well?
  5. That wooden bed looks fantastic. Also digging the color combo, metal specks red is in my top 7 favorite colors, and looks great next to the cream color. Great job.
  6. Great looking build, the color and wheels fit it perfectly. Just a little confused and a bit mad that mine didn't include the side glass for the wagon rear. It just had the top and rear glass for some reason, so i ended up leaving it out completely.
  7. Picked up this kit at my local shop for a song a little while back. It was an opened kit from an estate sale but all the pieces were there. Ive shaved off the taxi roof marker, shaved the handles, made some megaphone headers, put some mesh in the grill and installed some copper stacks. Hope you guys like it.
  8. Well Smart, if you ever want to get rid of any of your kits especially the 55' id be glad to take them off your hands. My Willys needs some company.
  9. Its 60's Hells Angels biker logic, don't know how else to explain it.
  10. As far as motorcycle helmets go, I was told by an old biker once that him and his buddies didn't believe in wearing a helmet. Reason being, is that if they were involved in a crash of any significance, they would rather be dead men on their bikes rather than a vegetable for the rest of their life not able to ride again. Hardcore bikers, yes. I understand his point as it makes perfectly good sense to me. However, I was glad to be wearing a full carbon fiber helmet the day a guy made a left in front of me while i was cruising at about 60. Even with the helmet I fractured my c1 vertebrae to 2mm from the breaking point, suffered some nerve damage and burnt my leg up pretty bad. I am glad to still be alive and thank the helmet for it, but still I understand that old bikers point.
  11. Great job Smart! These kits are super cool. Ive only managed to get my hands on the Willy Wild, which Ive rebuilt about three times.
  12. Had a chance to lay some paint down. Its duplicolor retro red over a duplicolor gloss white base. The clear has been drying for about an hour at this point, the trim got attacked a bit but nothing a bit of touch up wont fix. Here's a quick mock-up.
  13. My Harbor Freight airbrush works great when it works. I might suggest buying the Harbor Freight compressor kit and investing in a better brush. Its what I plan to do soon. I'm sick of constantly stripping the HF brush down cleaning and adjusting it.
  14. Most every office/art store will have prisma pencils, but you're more likely to find loose stock in an art store. Not only are they the best pencils for this type of work, but they are the best pencils for any art project as far as I'm concerned, been using them exclusively for years. You should be able to pick them up for a little over a dollar a piece.
  15. Glad to see you finished this one. Came out looking real nice. Those wheels look sharp with the chrome lip.
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