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Heller 1/75 La Reale De France

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Well I've done a bit on the rigging no pics as you wouldn't even notice what I've done, the instructions are so complex (even though I have English versions (I think that may even make it worse)) I have an idea I've gone as far as I want with this one.

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Hi all well I know some of you more used to rigging would probably have this much work don in ten mins but this represents several hours and lots of hair pulling and certain words of a not particularily pleasant nature.
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Hi all you may think I've given up on this but I assure you I've not, I've spent all week on the rigging (not enough to bother posting but enough to drive me insane (I don't remember all the Airfix tall ships I built giving me so much trouble), must be the destructions, hopefully some pics tomorrow. I've done some work on the Royal Sovereign and finished the Honda vfr 750 f but, by the time I've done it, it's too late to post.

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Hi all as promised here are some pics
I couldnt find any gold thread to make the fringe round the canopy or the tassles at the end of the flags, so this will have to do
what swmbo dont know cant hurt her Te Hee Hee.
Now I just have to duplicate this on the other side do the rest of the rigging on the main sail then do exactly the same on the front mast and sail.
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Hi all the flags on the main mast and the fore mast all have tassles on them, the instructions tell you to wind the gold thread round a rod or tube tie them then cut at the furthest point for the tie. well this is my best attempt out of ten
so, after hours of slaving at making a specialist tool for the job I came up with this.
yes I know it looks futuristic and exotic, and I know everyone will want one (especially at the special introductory offer of £50.00) I am expecting huge order numbers so please be patient, anyway here's how it works
a vast improvement on this
I think you will agree.
I will be taking orders for my new tool which I will be calling the Prongy (catchy name dont you agree) I can see lots of other useful ideas for it too hair combing, lock picking, raking the grass just to mention a few So get in first to avoid the rush.
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I've sat down at the table 3 times tonight and done nothing, is this what it feels like to lose your mojo not felt like this before I love modeling but don't seem to have any interest when I sit down.

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Hi all thought I would have a break from the rigging so decided to do the steps, they are supposed to have hand rails but they were so fine one was snapped on the sprue and one broke cutting it off the sprue so will have to make a couple out of copper wire

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well this is on the back burner again
as you can see from the parts list sprue 17 and 18 say 2 sprues sprue 9 and 9a are listed together with a sprue count of 2 I stupidly didnt count the number of oars on the sprues (there are 16 oars on each sprue) so the 2 on the parts list means 2 of each 9a and 9 (why didnt they list those to sprues separately or say 4 on the parts count, so now I have to go through the rigmarole of contacting heller again and waiting for the parts, this really is putting me off ever buying a heller kit again, I mean are all there kits like this, I dont think much of the're quality control if they dont even bother doing a sprue check on the contents of a kit.
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Hi all was looking at this today and noticed the mast was bent.
so I thought how can I fix that and a cunning plan developed.
first break the top of the mast off then drill out a hole in the top of the mast and insert brass rod then reglue the top on
since this pic I decided I dont like the fore mast sail so have removed it was thinking of removing the main sail as well but my missus says no, what do you think would they have had one sail down and not the other or would they both be up or down.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I'm not sure what's going to happen with the La Reale I've contacted heller several times but no reply, the 32 oars I do have couldn't go all on one side said some are different so I can't put them all on one side and display it that way. Not sure I can be bothered with displaying it in dry dock being refitted (lot of work involved and I will always know she's not complete) too big to keep hanging round, maybe time to bite the bullet and stick her in the spares drawer. All I know is she's taking up valuable room, not sure the missus will let me scrap her but, I am rapidly losing interest in her.

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