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About lmtdconnectivity

  • Birthday 10/18/1974

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Shawn Fischer

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  1. Well I didnt get much done due to working and going to a tractor pull. I actually might get a lot done tomorrow unless something major comes up. Expect some pics tomorrow.
  2. Micro Update: Got what should be final coat of primer on. Now I'm waiting on it to dry for sanding. I might not get too much more done today due to a car show nearby and I want some inspiration.
  3. Small Update, No pics. Got the last coat of primer on today. Well, I'll need to do a quick coat on the under side of the body then a quick sand tomorrow. I should be able to get some purple laid down sometime this week, probably Wednesday. Not sure what else I'll get done tomorrow. I'll try to get some engine work done, add plug wires and get front of engine painted/detailed. It'll be my first time adding plug wires and I don't have bits that small i don't think. I'll figure something out on it. I will also be looking into scratch building the shocks. I still need to make the bed cover as well. Anyway, that's all for now.
  4. I didn't get to all I wanted to but made progress. I got the body sanded. I still need another coat and sand before ready for color. Got the oil pan, rear axle, distributor, and gear shift detailed. Coil and Oil Filler detailed. Engine with the oil pan attached and another shot of rear axle. Not sure if I will get to do anything tomorrow or not.
  5. Mini-Update! I was able to get another coat of primer on the body and some other stuff below. Just need to sand and prime and sand once more then can start to paint body. Valve covers and top of air filter will be dark purple like the rest of the car. Carb will be aluminum and shifter will be detailed/painted. This will give me a jump on tomorrow. I plan on sanding, priming and sanding the body, then get the parts above painted. Hopefully I'll get to some of the wiring on the motor. I'm dreading trying to get the distributor together. That's it for now.
  6. Yeah I'm not feeling the floral either on this (keeping the idea around for future build tho). I'm just gonna go with a street rod feel I think. I need to order a 3inch cowl resin hood for it soon. I'm dreading the painting process. The humidity is so horrible here and paint tends to orange peel bad. Anyway, thanks guys!
  7. So I got started today but it is really windy and my booth is only really suited for airbrushing size-wise. I was able to get some sanding done on the body, just not another primer coat due to the wind. Got the engine and a couple other pieces done and ready for detailing. And finally dechroming the valve covers, air breather, carb, and shifter. Didn't get as much as I had hoped done but at least its a start. I work the next 2 and a half days so won't be any updates until at least Sunday, probably Monday.
  8. So after some speed bumps in my life, I will be starting on this project again. I might even have some pics tomorrow. I left off with it primed and needing some sanding then another coat and sanding. I'm going to try to get some primer on the engine, tranny, and various other small parts as well.
  9. Sorry no real updates at the moment. I have been crazy busy with work and other stuff and haven't had any real time to get anything done. I did get some black primer on the body the other day. That's about it. I hope to be getting some time to do some work here probably Friday or Monday.
  10. Ok I finally got to some painting. I got the color laid down on the spoons. Top is the black primer and bottom white primer. left white and right black primers. Not sure which color I want to go with. I really like the one with black primer, but it's a little dark I think for this build. I don't know. I have to thin down the nail polish a little more when I actually start spraying. That brand is pretty thick.
  11. I don't plan on using the hood at all for anything so it doesn't matter. Anyway i think I'm going to go with a 3 inch cowl for it instead. Just have to order it, probably next weekend.
  12. I have the speakers and stuff de-chromed now and ready to prime. Plans are tomorrow to actually get something done. Snowed almost a foot here and I had to work because my boss got snowed in where he was. We shall see how the day pans out.
  13. Still no painting yet. I'm kinda irritated at this point I haven't been able to get anything done. Here is a pic of all the colors I'm using. Black will be used as well but didn't feel like including it. I also picked up a dodge charger srt8 uptown and since I don't plan on building it, I'm using the speakers, amps, and lcd screen for this build. I have them sitting in LAs Totally Awesome to dechrome them. That way I can paint and detail them.
  14. So I still haven't had a chance to do any painting yet. I did get to the hobby shop and get some BMF, aluminum tubing (thinking about scratch building the shocks. may try to make bags since i have some heatshrink tubing), and I also got some nail polish for the accent colors and some lacquer thinner. Pic isn't the greatest but it'll have to do for now.
  15. Small update. Here is what I will be using to wire the distributor. The red wire is wire from a phone cord and the paperclip i'll pull the wire out of it and cut the yellow part to size for boots. That is all.
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