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Posts posted by crazyrichard

  1. so after the garage stood on a cubbord for a while , i got the itch to start on the outside , never finished or did anythin to the outside .. interiour was not done either ...o i took a brake from my barnfind / chevy nova build and started working on the garage again ...long on going project

    very very rough ! > made a white L shaped edge on top all bondo-ed into one with end caps at the front , corck on the walls to make plastered walls ..

    all in primer / base paint .. the big window on the side is done all real hardwood , rear window needs finishing .. gap for the rolldoor needs work with some finished edges etc .. and a lot of paint , some logo ..

    not ment as a true realistic outide .. bit in between just a noce finih so it looks pleasant with a slight bit of realistic finish but not all out ..detailed

    inside on top along the walls i had like a checkered flag edge .. i hated it ... suddenly lol .. and i wanted to make a wood beam ceiling .. so i stained some wood beams from light to dark ...

    made it so it went over the checkers along the walls

    along the office ...

    overall , then in between will come more beams

    looks way more realistic

    this was there before


    no i simply use pigment powder from vallejo , but any pigment powder will work.. i found thi out by acccident , it actually the lightest colored rust powder its not brown and its not yellow .. imo way to light for rust ..

    put it on finished stuff with a large soft brush and brush and brush and ou get that dusty look and feel .. also like the wall when you do more on the bottom you get those color differences .. it actually so simple..

    its like a layer over stuff , a haze and you can always get it off or downtone it

  3. going slow .. every now and then i try to ad some stuff and lenghten this build :) def. needs stuff on the floor ..but i let the dio guide me where it wants to go , no set plans like always


    added a small metal frame thingy on the bench and a no smoking sign on the wall (not bad since its all wood) , then dust over the new items ..

    made a cubbord , bit more modern since its not particulairly in the past but timewise thi could be now ..painted it red with some washes , added dust and a hardwood top



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