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Everything posted by rocketman42

  1. Nice to have a group of folks that are intrested in the same things that I am.I am the only model builder in this little village of 1400 really great people so having the modeling world at my finger tips is great.I have always said that if I ever lose either of my index fingers my typing ability would decrease by 50 %.
  2. Looking goog.A 1/25 scale dio gets really big really quickly dosen't it.
  3. I might suggest that you place the canopy at a right angle to the building.Arranged as is it tends to look like a gas station.Cars at food drive ins tend to park in arching rows like at a drive in movie theatre.Nice start.Are you going to add more canopys later?
  4. ed....how would I find and read your PMs?I just realized that others may have done the same thing a wonder why I haven't answered.
  5. Ed...I don't know what PM's are so I don't know wether I got them or not.As all of my refrence photos were taken well before the advent of color photography the color is all pure speculation.One small discovery was the availability of a reproduction decal on ebay that matches the Indian Gasoline logo on the main station sign out front and on the glass globes oddly mounted 14' feet in the air on top of the corner posts.Accoring to my recearch that particular logo was not used until 1924 thus giving me somewhat of a timeline for the pictures. Of course everything in my refrence photos is varying shades of gray(40?)but there was some simarity in the gray shades of the trim and those of the company logo decal I bought so I picked a paint color close to the decal dark red and went with that.I considered blue and red as the main colors,but with the off white stucco walls I thought that might not be the best idea. I had to remember that in this little west central Ohio village with one traffic light there has only been one living person(now in his 90's)who has ever seen this station and that was in 1950 when he helped tear it down.I asked him what colors it was painted but he could not remember. Other helpful factors in placing a time line were the presence of electric lights.Our village did not have public power untill 1922.The other was some info that I found while trying to identify the gas pumps.One of the gas pumps restoration guys I sent photos to indentified them a Bowser C3 and C11 models which were both evidently produced in 1915.Thus the probable original build date of 1915. Building this was a lot of fun including the research.I feel like I am helping to presrve a piece of local history by creating it.
  6. Nope,no achitecural background at all.Only training I ever had was what was called Industrial Arts in high school that taught us(we had 5 in the class)in the mid 1950's basic skills like line drawings,etc.The rest was about wood working.Please remember that only the mocked up station was made from cardboard.The final building is built from plywood,basswood,Plastic(trim)and sandpaper(shingles).Thanks for asking.
  7. I have tried the copy and paste thing and did something wrong. Go to http://public.fotki.com/misternnl/indian-service-stat/ to see the photos. hope this works for those intrested.
  8. Thanks.I finally have all of the photo files loaded and the pictures are availalbe to be seen by anyone intrested.All very confusing.too many abreviations for everything under the sun.
  9. Thanks Amanda.I appreciate the welcome and I love your avatar!Looks like carved shell of some sort. The whole computer age has me befuddled.I think I may technophoblc if there is such a thing.I grew up in that age before TV,computers,cell phones,etc,still type with 2 fingers(when I was in high school typing class was for girls),and don't own a cell phone.Dinosaur?Maybe.Worried about it?Nope!!
  10. Thanks Larry.I actually do have a decal on one of the side quarter windows of my real real 1948 Chevy street rod that says"it's never too late to have a happy chindhood".
  11. One of the poeple That has very intrumental in getting me started was Tim Boyd who was even so kind as to stop at our house and sit down at our computer and write detailed step by step instructions for me to lead me by the hand through the whole fotki process.My point being that he warned me that there had been a lot of trouble with thier system losing files including about 5,000 of his.As I heard it super storm Sandy flooded fotki's HQ in new york causing them problems.Then supposedly they are moving all their stuff to a new location somewhere in europe.That has all evidently lead to additional complications and has made some files unavailable.Hopfully that situation will improve soon and everyone will be able to see what they are inrested in seeing.
  12. Thanks for the kind words.This is the first building I have ever built so it was all new territory with the necessary skills and techniques for me.
  13. Well,it looks like I may have finally gotten those photos posted thanks to a lot of help from my friends(I should probably write that line down.Might make a pretty good title for a song)
  14. http://public.fotki.com/misterNNL/ O.K.guys,after much help from friends,here is my fotki photo(53 photos with captions)detailing my Indian gas station diorama build.
  15. I actually have thought about that brass placque thing!However since that happened we have remodeled our house and actual physical location of that event would now be in the middle of out living room floor.I brought it up but got"the look"from you know who.End of a really great idea I'm pretty sure. I tried copying and pasting and am now getting another lovely message telling me"you must leave a post".What post?I didn't see any post!one more cyber booby trap to aviod It seems.Why does this have to be so complicated?Doesn't matter though,I'm too dumb to give up.
  16. I used fotki.com as my photo sharing site I seem to remember a sign I saw somwhere that said"anyone can restore an old car,But it takes a real man to cut one up!"
  17. I tried Bill's suggestion with no luck.I copied the complete fotki address,tried to upload it and got a message that I was not allowed to upload the type of file.Back to square one.
  18. Thanks.It's something no one ever wants to even think about,but it surely does show us what is really important in life.
  19. Thanks for the warm welcome guys.Now how so I post my album into the diorama section?I can't figure that out either.I don't konw why someone doesn't simply put up a link that says"click here for instructions to post your photos".Maybe there is is one and simply don't know where it is ot how to use it!I spent a lot of hours getting the pictures on Fotki and being sure the captions were all correct.
  20. I finally fought my way through all the cyber loopholes it seems to take to do anyything on a computer these days and got signed up.Thanks for all the guidance and help from younger friends(and grandchildren)that helped me get going! My name is Tom Woodruff.I am 71,married for almost 50 years to and amazing woman who is also my best friend,and have been modeling since the 1950's. I have built a lot of models over the decades mostly hot rods and customs.This common hobby we all have has brought me some of my most treasured friends and associates.I have participated in a few contests in my younger years and through that venue met some really great people that I now count among lifetime best friends. I took a 20 year break from all modeling while recovering from the tragic loss of a child and now after retiring 3 years ago have started building again.A friend recommended this site to me as a way to see what's happening in the modeling world and it has been eye opening to say the least. I have not been totally removed from modeling all those years as I was lucky enough to be involved with the founding of the NNL in 1980 in my garage here in Jackson Center,ohio. I have finally gotten some photos onto a photo sharing site and am trying to get that file posted here to show the result of my first ever diorama.I found all of the techniques on line and here on this site so it has had a very positive effect for me.If you're intrested look for my 1925 Indian Gasoline station building.Thanks!!
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