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Model Car Kustoms

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Posts posted by Model Car Kustoms

  1. I Really like your vids man. Althoug i think they could be a little longer about 4/5 minutes instead of 3 or 4 seperate video's.

    I also like the color looks great on this car!

    lol, I wish they would be a little longer too, but I just run out of stuff to talk about, (in hindsight I always could have said more, but I try to cover the "things I forgot" in the next video) Thanks for watching.

    Great work paint.

    Thank you Sir.

    check it out, just painted the under side of the chevelle


  2. Hey whats up guys, so this project have been on the back burner for a few weeks (while I've been trying to finish other models)

    So here are some photos that show the car with clear coat on it, and some wheels I was trying out for fun (still not sure what the stance should be for this car yet)



    Also check out some of the videos earlier in the post to get a better view

  3. friday nites into the way early morrning when everyone is in bed! Got the radio on coast to coast some weird people out there!

    I always listen to coast to coast while building models (640 AM los Angeles, CA) (but i really wish art bell was back, or that george knapp would have been Art's replacement LOL!,)

    Im always up late building my models, its the only time I have to do it (after your significant other has gone to sleep lol), even if it measn being tired for work the next day lol

    I've always liked night time better then the day, I don't have to deal with so many idiots! lol!

  4. I just watched all your vids on this car.......I like them. Someone told me 1 time the reason I dont have that many comp's/replys is cus most members dont want to watch a vid.........Just look at pics and read what you did.......

    So I stoped making the vids. Its whatever......I think your doing a smashing job on the vids. Keep it up, its looking real good. :);)

    Hey thanks

  5. Hello Jason, I recently picked up several bottles of this paint and I have a few questions.

    1. what is the exact thinning ratio, I have done it 1:1 and I feel as if it is to thin.

    2. what Psi do you shoot it at?

    3. Should I use a gravity feed airbrush, I noticed with a siphon feed the flake settles at the bottom.

    4. About how many coats should I have before I can see the color,not the flake. I had about nine coats down and all I see is flake.

    5. Do I need to have a certain color base coat,I noticed you use black.

    6. Any other tips and tricks to help out.

    1. There really is no "exact thinning ratio" for this paint. Many factors come in to play when deciding on how thin or thick to mix it, including the type of airbrush you use, nozzle size, psi, and ambient air temperature.

    When I mix I usually go for a 1/1 ratio, sometimes I add a little less thinner, sometimes more.

    You will have to fine tune your own mixing ratio, one that will work best with your gun. If your gun can handle shooting the paint thicker (my brush cannot, it clogs my tip) by all means go that route, shooting a thicker paint will allow you to apply less coats to achieve the same effect.

    I also use a heating lamp to dry my paints in between coats, so i can shoot thin and dry quickly then re-coat, the heat lamp is what allows me to shoot so thin and still get great results on the final product

    check out this video (if you haven't already seen it


    2. Currently I am shooting at 60 psi, though this varies for me (and it will for you), I paint in my garage so the temperature fluctuates, and I will have to change my psi accordingly (40-60 psi seems to be the zone I stay in)

    3. I would probably avoid a gravity fed gun with this type of paint, As you have noticed, the flake settles to the bottom of your paint cup, I would imagine it would lead to a massive clog up of metal flake in your gravity fed gun . Your flake will always settle, before coats I will give my airbrush a shake to help to re-suspend the flake.

    4. and 5. There is no pigment to the paint, think of it as a clear coat with metal flake in it. The color you see depends on a few things, what base color you use (I used black for this car,), what color paint you buy (the flake color), and how many coats you apply.

    I used black for the base on the 56 nomad because I wanted a darker/deeper color (even though I wanted to see as little of my base (black) as possible.

    In my case I wanted to see nothing but metal flake.

    Here is a video showing lighter coats of the metal flake (2 or 3 coats) on different base coats, using the same color metal flake,


  6. Am I the only one that doesn't see any pics on this thread? I've loaded others and saw pics just fine.. Just not on this thread.. Anyways... from everyone's responses.. it "SOUNDS" like it looks really nice..

    Sorry I didn't realize that some people cant see youtube videos (who knew?)

    Hear are a few photos of the Chevelle after applying a few coats of the Inca Gold Metallic Paint (over the neon orange base)

    (I hope you can see these)



    Thanks everyone for the nice comments and the views.

    I'll be clear coating this weekend!!!!!!!!!!! (then we can get a real look at the finish)

  7. Thank you for that :D An old school being lowered= fine. Muscled up=fine. Customized=fine. Raised up and put on rediculous sized wheels=NOOOOOOOOOOO :blink:

    Like that paint color! Will that be over a white or silver base?

    LOL, yeah I just don't understand "Donks"

    As far as the paint color goes, I will be using fluorescent (neon) Orange as a base coat,

    then followed by 2-3 light coats of "Inca Gold Metallic" (by folk art)

    This should give me a nice pearl look to my paint, (I hope)

    Thanks for checking it out

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