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Model Cars Magazine Forum

Drunken Goat

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Posts posted by Drunken Goat

  1. My father has always wanted a 62 bel air 409. Well his birthday is coming up in a few weeks and this is the closest I can do to fufilling his dream. I completed the interior and undercarriage. I still need to wire the distributor and start on the suspension. I am trying to make this as close to an orginal 62 bel air 409 as possible. I have been looking up tons or references online. So any tips or suggestion will be appreciated.





  2. I finally made an account after visiting this forum as a guest for months. This is my first model in about 14 years and I decided to dive right in with a tube chassis. Once I finish the car (it has been a slow process) I am hoping to build a diorama for it. The goal is to make it a vision of how I would like my personal GTO to look when done. Hopefully it turns out half as well as some of the builds on here. There are a lot of very talented people. Here is where I am at so far.





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