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Posts posted by DavidG

  1. Be careful and don't break a blade. When the blade breaks, the sudden release in pressure can cause an accident and you could bleed all over the model, the instructions, the desk and maybe even your lap.

    :blink:It's not important how I know this. :D

  2. I have no medical issues whatsoever and the doctor says that I should live to be several hundred years old.

    I also have some land for sale.

    Ok, seriously, I had a heart attack in February that scared the dickens out of me. I've been on blood thinners and hypertension meds since then and I also have been weak as a kitten. I'm doing good to walk across the room without gasping for breath. Even when I am working on a model car, I can only go for about a half an hour before I'm so fatigued that i have to lie down and either sleep or try to just relax. However, everyday is a little better.

    I think that you are going to find that you are definitely NOT alone and that you will even be surprised at the amazing array of maladies that so many others are suffering.

  3. Found it!!!!!!!!!! :) :)


    What did you lose?

    I did not know that there was anyone that had made a resin Hebmuller. I was actually planning on kitbashing somethings in an effort to try to make my own Heb body in 1/24 scale. But that was going to be a future project as I've got so many things going right now.

    So I have two questions:

    #1. Bill, will that Kubel chassis fit most other VW models?

    #2. How does a person develop a resin kit that no one else offers and yet, do so with the correct detail and dimensions?

    Actually, I've often wondered how the large model manufacturers do this as well. What is the process? (ok, that's THREE questions. Sorry lol)

  4. Can't wait to see more honestly. Is that a a V-dub engine with webbers?

    Yup. Patrick, your model engine looks very very similar to the engine I had in my 1969 1:1 Sedan. I was driving that car daily and drag racing it on weekends. The Webers on mine were 40 IDFs. I scored the carbs themselves from a guy that had run them on a Fiat. (Don't ask, I don't know how he did it.) Then I got the intake manifolds from Claude's Buggies (which is now CBPerformance) and my linkage was from Gene Berg. I don't have any old photos of that car but here are a couple of photos showing the Berg linkage. I really think that this linkage would not be difficult to model.


    I have one question. Did the Webers come with the kit?

  5. Thanks so much guys. There are some good ideas here.

    Ian Hobbis, I have to admit that I do not know what Evergreen rectangular bar is. When I was in Argentina a couple of years ago, I needed some JB Weld. There was absolutely no finding it. So I tried some epoxy that carried some brand name in Spanish that gave no clue to its make up. So I took a chance and, sure enough, when I opened it up it was the exact same thing as JB Weld. So maybe we have an American equivalent.

    Ok, I'm SO embarrassed. I googled Evergreen rectangular bar and Hey!! It's regular styrene. Que Verguenza!

  6. I built that kit a number of years ago and I loved it! It was one of many models that hit a yard sale during the divorce. I'm looking forward to building it again and your thread has given me encouragement. The Lil Deuce Coupe has always been one of my very favorite cars.

    I would run it fenderless. Unless you really drop the front end on a fendered coupe, the wind will pick the front up at speed and cause the steering to go really light possibly leading to a crash. That's some FYI from the guys who drive the REAL 1:1 Deuce Coupes.

  7. this is an International site www

    just sayin'

    Yes it is. But I will state at this point that I myself have a BA in Spanish and I speak two other foreign languages at a high level of proficiency in addition to my native English. That makes four languages for the mental pigmy who's counting on his toes. Poking good natured fun at language screw ups is one way the intense language student keeps his/her sanity. We all do it and we've all had others poke fun at our language screw ups and had a lot of fun at our expense. Given the decades I've invested in foreign language study, I righteously feel that I have more than earned the privilege of poking a little fun at someone giving directions on "winker" painting. Really, laughing about it is the only real way to handle it. If one takes offense, the language efforts come to an abrupt halt.

    I'm just saying.

  8. This really does seem to be a common theme among so many of us model builders. For me, I had a problem during 23 years of marriage to a Tennessee spitfire that saw absolutely no redeeming value to such a pointless pursuit. In our marriage, the models weren't all about her. I got to where I didn't build models because, any time she got mad at me, one or more of the models would get smashed. I'm SO glad she divorced me and set me free.

  9. Nice job so far slant noses are so sweat.

    I so agree! I wonder why Porsche stopped making them? Was it just a passing fad?

    Actually it's hard to think of Porsche as being a company that folds to passing fads.

    Andre, the wheels look FANTASTIC! In fact, I don't even see where they were attached to the sprues.

  10. I picked up this Tommy Ivo dragster at a yard sale the other day. Some kid grew up and put his toys away for life. (He was apparently never into models anyway.) His mom sold the kit to me for 50 cents. The box was already open but, after going over the instructions and comparing them with the sprues, it actually appears as though the kit is amazingly complete.


    So I got to looking at the slicks and I remember building many models back in my day with tires just like these. But back in those days, I was no where nearly as concerned with model building political correctness that I am now. These tires are so distorted as to be really unacceptable. What do the model building gods on this forum do to solve this common problem?

    post-13924-0-28147400-1401490011_thumb.j post-13924-0-77816000-1401490027_thumb.j post-13924-0-85886800-1401490038_thumb.j

    As you can see, I tried sanding one of the tires but I'm not sure that there isn't a better way. I'm sure they could be nice slicks with the right approach.

    Sorry for the blurry fuzziness. I'm still getting used to my new Fujicam.

  11. I ordered some VW transporter models from Amazon. ....or was it ebay? I can't remember. Anywho, two of them both came in the mail today - a Revell and a Hasegawa. Here is a quick and cursory comparison of the two.


    The Hasegawa is a curbside. I'm a little disappointed but not too much. Hey I like to build engines. The rest of the detail seems superb. The doors are what I would call pre-slotted. This is to that I can choose to either cut them the rest of the way open, or I can build the model with all closed doors. If I decide to open the doors, the instructions clearly state that I will have to fab up my own interior details. hmmm, I wonder what they were thinking?


    Also, I have to state at this point that, during my life I have lost many hours of sleep wondering how to solve one of life's most important mysteries. Finally, Hasegawa has come through for me and instructed me how to definitively paint my winkers.


    On the other hand, the Revell comes with a many piece body. Obviously, the designers just assumed that I would be into building a model where ALL the doors open up. So my question is then, Why did the kit not come with safari windows? (I guess the one-eyed duck would be hard to tool for.) At any rate, I've never built a model with all these opening doors. I'm going to really enjoy this one.


    P.S. ONLY a TRUE VW Pervert knows what a one-eyed duck is.

  12. OMG!! SOOOOOO Beautiful!!

    This brings a tear to my eye because these cars were pre-doofis looking wings, pre-ground effects, pre-wide slicks, and pre-corporate sponsorship. These cars needed to be DRIVEN by men who had the talents and the kahunas to dice it out with others who had the same talents and kahunas. It is difficult to imagine what it would have been like to really be there at Monaco before there were armcos everywhere blocking the view, a can of Pepsi cost $10, the chicane was a feature of the street instead of an obstacle to slow traffic down and the tunnel didn't have a casino over the top of it. Oh yeah, the winners DRANK the champagne instead of spraying it all over like school kids.

    Thank you for these photos, Jürgen. I could wax poetic for a long time on the emotions that your excellent model has stirred up.

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