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    Justin Pederson

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  1. Another question to is that there are allot of sites out there telling you how to thin your paint, but is there a site out there that shows you what to much thinner will look like and what not enough will look like? For example has someone posted a video or photos of paint sprayed on a piece of paper and what to thin will look like at to thick also what just right would look like?
  2. Would I need to go a buy some bottle water, I take it harry you never tried our water.
  3. CJ, Someone in a previous thread told me to watch a video by chapman. I am using what he uses from the paints to thinners. I don't want to stick a decent amount of money into paints right away. I did get two bottle of the wicked paint, becuase the color was not in the fireart paints. But the cost was a huge ammount from 5.99 with the wicked stuff to 1.37 with the stuff I got. After it started to spray red the engine look better then I ever would have done. If you sugest not to use windex what do you sugest using? I am not using the paint by the model section, but the other side of the store.
  4. Anything on the pink color at first and when spaying in one place lines forming outwards?
  5. Well I finaly got over the nerv last night and started painting my engine. It was the first time I ever used an airbrush. For the paint I was useing it was an Red acrilic from hobby lobby, I think it was fireart or something like that. I thinned it down with windex. From my eye it looked good. When I started spraying it for the first time there was a pinky fade to it. I thought maybe this was the color, so I went on. After about 5 minutes that pink color trunded more to a red. Is there any reason for this? I learned to a little paint goes a long way. After I was done with the engine I had a decent amount left. I went ahead and started to dudle around the box I was using. After some time I just held it in one spot and sprayed. I seen in a video that the paint might be to thin or not thin enough when you hold it in a spot and little lines pop up. It was doing this so did I thin it to much on not enough yet? Lastly for cleaning the gun I ran some windex through it a couple of times and to verify it was clean took the gun appart. I could not get the rocker asm. seperate from the needle so instead of breaking something I just clean the tip of the needle with water and the rest of the gun. When I was putting it back together this morning I notice I did not remember how far the rocker asm needs to be screwed in. Would anyone know this? And is it alright to clean the gun out with water to afterwards. The link below is the manual for the gun. http://www.rexart.com/media/paasche_talon_parts_list.PDF
  6. I finally had time to watch Chapman's video last night. Instead of getting Createx at 6 dollars a bottle I might just stick with the normal paints he is using. Check the prices on the hobby lobby page and from paying 6 dollars a bottle I might be able to drop it to around 2. After 10 different paints I could save around $40!!!
  7. I do have a hobby lobby close. If they do createx do they give the mix ratio? My brother in-law has some enamel based paint in those tiny jars. Was going to try some of that with enamel thinner, but before doing so I was going to go to hobby lobby to see if they have lids or tubes to keep track on how much I use. Also If I could not find anything like that has anyone ever used eye drop or medicine squinges? If I do go with the enamel based paint would I use to drops of paint to one drop of thinner? And lastly sorry about the length of this he had some airbrush thinner (for testors, model master) would this work to clean the airbrush afterwards?
  8. My concern will be not putting to much in or adding to much. Also when spraying how do you guys determine on when to stop and let it dry for the next coat?
  9. That's where I was before I post this message. They had allot of enamels and some acrylic paints. Before going there I was watching a video on YouTube and this dude stated he buys his paints pre-thinned. Now I don't remember what I was watching. Also do you guys prime your model before painting, or just specific parts?
  10. I just picked up an airbrush yesterday to start working on the Model my wife got me a month ago. I was just going to use the enamel testor stuff, but after some research I might want to use some acrylic paint instead. Since I am new at this it would be awesome if there was a place (online) that offered acrylic paint that was already pre-thinned, so I wont have to worry about if I did it right or not. Also if I use acrylic paint what will water be alright to clean between colors and after painting?
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