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  1. Thanks Dragon. Ya know, I never realized that IS what they look like LOL Those are actually lengths of solder glued in place with beads to dress em up. Maybe I can make some money making bar balls now
  2. I have done this with no ill effects at all. The only thing I would suggest is to brush a bit onto the decals after they dry as well. I like to protect em and it also helps to make em blend a bit better in my opinion as well.
  3. Not anywhere near up to this sort of competition, but here's one I did quite awhile ago. If I remember right, this was one of my first attempts at wiring. This was also before I knew they made PE seatbelt hardware. Kinda embarrassing seeing those HUGE things now
  4. Thanks guys! It's nail polish
  5. Oops, missed that one Jairus. Sorry and thank you for the praise!
  6. This one was built about the same time as the Boss and also was a fun learning experience.
  7. Here's a bit of an older build. I built this Mustang Boss 302 about a year and a half ago I think it was and had lots of fun with her. This was one of my first "detail" try outs and taught me a ton.
  8. Thanks George. I have been a lurker here for quite awhile, ever since my buddy Mike recommended it to me. I just finally got off my keister and decided to post a few builds. Again, thanks for the kudos!
  9. Can you please tell me how you wired the display stand? That is very original.
  10. It went together extremely well. One thing I was warned about by my buddy Mike is to watch which screws you use to connect the doors. They have the washers in a seperate pouch with some long screws (don't ask me why" but the longer ones are used to connect the body to the floorpan. Use the shorter ones, of which there are a bunch, to connect the doors. Other than that, this was an easy kit for assembly.
  11. Here's one I did for a contest on another forum. It was in an open category, so I decided to try my hand at a LOT of different things. This is my first use of pearls (copper pearl used over the entire body and a dusky gold ghost flame on the sides), my first major body mod (I made the ground effects kit to lower the car and cut the top off and scratched a spyder top), and my first base (I took a normal display base and added left over lights from the "sub" box in the cabin to make it look like the car was on display at a show)
  12. I should also say Hi, I am new here Here is my most recently completed build. This is a pretty basic kit since it was originally intended to be a diecast, but the detailing is superb. Paint is simply a Flat Black base coat with Blue-to-Red Pearl mixed with clearcoat laid down in light coats until I got the color I wanted, which added up to something like 15 coats I stole the rims from the Uptown Caddy kit and hand painted them. I call this one my "Ode to Bling"
  13. Tipstang

    79 Z-28

    Here is a car my buddy Mike and I squared off in a Pinks build with. It was a fun kit built OOB except for some wiring and wheels. The paint is Flat Tamiya base with a Bright gold pearl overlay and a dusky gold fade to the bottom. Mike's was an era piece (and a beautiful example of one btw) and so was mine, to a point. I was shooting for what this car would have looked like if I had owned it in my highschool years with the Iroc rims and the lift in the rear. I graduated in 1992 just in case anyone wants to know. Granted, I never would have had the money for the paint job, but I can dream LOL Oh, I lost by the way
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