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Posts posted by drive4th

  1. Hi folks! J Driver here.

    i've been into cars all of my life, grew up working on old cars with my father and uncle. i've worked on, replaced or fixed just about ever mechanical component on a car, but never on the same one haha! Over the years, i've learned quite a bit just by turning wrenches and usually breaking more things than i fixed but i improved over time. In college, i joind my university racing team and we built a formula 2 racecar that competed in the collegiate national race championship and we came in 2nd place in the nation in 2005! I worked on the chassis and suspension on that project.

    After college i had a few real project cars of my own but never had the time or finances to do what i realy wanted to with them. I got married, had some kids and had to let the cars go, but the obsession with cars continued to grow. I have a list of 'dream cars' id love to build but know that to build all those cars would take millions of dollars probably, so it was sort of a pipe dream for a long time.

    Surfing the net one day i came across Svens World of Wheels and it blew me away! I don't know what it was that hit me so hard but i realized, if i cant build my dream garage in reality, i can certainly build it in 1/24 scale!

    So here i am, trying my hand at scale model building. I tried building a 1/24 car when i was a kid and it was a disaster. Now that im much more versed in the way thing go together [and have more patience ;) ] maybe i can really make build these cars once and for all.

    I've roamed around this forum for a couple of weeks now and it's unbelievable how much talent and information there is. This is a great community and im looking forward to being a part of it and learning as much as i can. See you out there!

    - J Driver

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