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Everything posted by Scoopdaddy

  1. All, Here are some pics of a 65 El Camino I just finished. I lowered and raked the stance. Tu-toned the interior and detailed the engine. The paint is a Testors 1231 Bright Red. It came out an Orange if you ask me but I like it. This build isn't up to par with most I've seen on the site but I hope you enjoy ! Mark
  2. Nice job....You build them faster than I can open the box ! Mark
  3. Thanks Guys ! Marc.......Hey neighbor ! I checked out your site a while ago. You have some great stuff. Thanks. Steve.....You got that right ! Well....at least the wife knows where I am and what I'm doing.....LOL Thanks ! Mark
  4. Good one KT !! The boat looks like an old Hemi-Hydro. I've got two of them in the box. Thanks for reminding me to put one of them on my list ! Mark
  5. Nice job Rick. Very convincing set up. You must have taken a loan from your 401k for all the paint Mark
  6. Great job Craiger........It's a shame none of it makes it to market...hiccup. Mark
  7. Very nice build Bill. I remember when this car made it's first appearance. Every one was amazed with the action of the wing. It was really a piece of rocket science for the time. Good Job!! Mark
  8. It will go fine. Just take it one step at a time. I break it up into mini builds, first the chassis, then the engine etc. Mark
  9. Hey Keith, This one is going to be a great build. Can't wait to see it painted up ! Mark
  10. Hey Jeryd, Nice build. You have the idea. I really like the hood modification and your decal placement. Horsepower has it right with the tire issue. I would also suggest some screen or a few bars where the windshild would go. Let's Mudd it up !! Scoop
  11. Hey Guys, Great topic. I to being 51 was raised in the "Golden Age" of Modeling. Back in 66 our local 7-11's had a store wide model contest. You entered your build and they hung it from the ceiling, in a transparent plastic bag with a bottom, for all the world to see. I won 2nd place in our district with a Myers Max dune buggy. Dang ! too much glue on the chrome engine If the model companies are experencing a decline in sales, let them become "Pro Active" in the preservation of their own industry!! As many of you have stated....competiton is tough. What kid do you know that can drop 15.00 to 25.00 for a model- 7.00 for paint and be able to build two a week? Revell, AMT and the rest will have to, sad to say, get out of the Muscle Car mind set and start producing the cars that the young men and women would want to build, in the styles they are looking for and sponser the contests that will bring the young ones out. This is what I mean by Pro Active. Build with your children and grandchildren. We can only do what we can. Modeling will be around for a long time with people like us looking after it. Just my 2 cents. Scoop
  12. Hi Everyone, My name is Mark. I've recently started building again after a 30 year break. Boy....has modeling come a long way. I've been at it about 9 mo. now and am having a blast !! I am looking forward to speaking with and supporting all of you. Great Site. I will post a link to my builds as soon as I figure it out. Scoop
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