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    Doug Damron

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  1. So let me get this straight you wet sand the 1 fender with all the different grits then move to the door and do the same thing and the back panel and do the same thing and so on? so I wet sand the fender with 3200 and finish with 12000 how do you protect that fender from the 3200 when you start the door from going over into the fender. if that makes any since. I was sanding the whole car with one grit then start over from the beginning with the next grit and so on until you reach 12000 so you guys are stating that is the wrong way? I know my questions might sound dumb, just want to do it right.
  2. Thanks Bill. What polishing cloths would you recommend?
  3. Thanks guys for the tips. Dave is probably right because I had to sand a lot with 1500 before I got all the orange peel out, I thought I did a pretty good job with spraying the clear coat the 2nd time around. I sprayed 3 or 4 light coats then 2 a little heavier wet coats. In the 1st couple of coats it looked little frosty as I was building the coats up but it didn't look like orange peel. It's get frustrating because I don't really know what it's suppose to look like thru each stage. My sand paper goes 1500,2000,2500,3000,5000,7000,12000. Don't really have a lot of money to spend on those Micro-Mesh cloths. I'm going to ditch the Novus stuff because it does seem a little harsh. So Bill after you polish with the different grits do you just wax it or do you use Meguiar's rubbing compound 1st. Thanks again for all the helpful tips.
  4. Thanks for the tips Bill. So if you have orange peel like I did. the 1st time I sprayed to heavy and got bubbles so I practiced before I stripped it. I started with 2500 and went thru the different grits and at the end I still had orange peel so my problem is I really don't how much to sand with each grit. 2nd time thru this model I started with 1500 and got all the orange peel out then went thru the different grits but sanded thru in a couple of spots I feel like I sanded most of the clear off because when I used the novus that is when I really went thru the paint. So you stated you start with 3200 do you sand all the orange peel out with that grit then move on? You also stated about doing each section at a time so you go thru all the grits on each section then buff the whole car? but with everyone's help and input I am sure learning a lot. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks for all the great comments. It's hard to see the mistakes in the picture but they are there. Bill G. I saw your builds, WOW!!! you really get into detail awesome job. 1 question about buffing the clear coat I used testors wet look lacquer. When you sand out all the orange peel do you stop sanding? or do you continue on thru the different grits? How much do you sand with the different grits? After using the Novus 3 and 2 can you wash the car to get the dried up polish out of the door and trunk lines? What is the trick?
  6. 4 those who answered my ?'s, Thanks 4 all the help. Here is the finished car. After getting all the orange peel out with 1500 grit I continued buffing thru the different grits and really don't know how much to buff with each grit but I guess I buffed a little to much because I sanded thru the paint a little. I just left it! and continued on with my 1st attempt of BFM the trim. bottom line the paint job didn't come out the way I hoped but I'll give it a C+. If any body has any comments or tips to improve, please do so. Thanks again to those who took the time to answer my questions and help me out.
  7. Thanks Claude and Snake for your help and great advice. I don't want to sand it because this is the 2nd time stripping this model down. I'm going to soak it in 91% Isopropyl alcohol and strip it and start over!! Kinda want to stay away from rattle cans because I really want to get good at airbrushing. I might try different brand of lacquer paints or maybe enamels, not really sure yet but I'll figure something out. Like every one says you just have to find out what paints to use that works for me and practice makes perfect and I sure need a lot of practice. I really appreciate the time you guys take to help out other modelers like myself. Thanks again
  8. Hey Snake I replied to both of my posts. NO! Keep the tips coming.
  9. No way Snake keep the tips coming I posted this the same time I added on to the 1st post I thought that most people that reply and answer questions doesn't come back to the same post to respond to different peoples posts so I started a new one thinking I would get new lookers. I appreciate all the advice I can get, so please keep responding. Thanks also to you JollySipper for your help.Do you decant your primmer and color or just use the rattle can? I just got a new AB and really would like to become good at using it. Just need to find the right primer and paint. I'm use to a different site when you ask a question after someone else has replied to your post no one ever responds. Sorry Snake if you took offense. Thanks again.
  10. Before I go any further, I wet sanded ( above the door handle) and there is still a little white texture and afraid to keep sanding as you see I already cut thru the paint So I need to repair that any thoughts? the top of the car (pic )do I sand it smooth ( without any shinny spots) all with the 1st grit and then continue on with the different grits after it's smooth or start with the 1st grit and continue on thru the grits until it's smooth? after the paint repair job of the cutting thru should I shoot another coat of clear on the whole body? then re-sand? or what? Thanks again for all the help.
  11. Before I go any further, I wet sanded ( above the door handle) and there is still a little white texture and afraid to keep sanding as you see I already cut thru the paint So I need to repair that any thoughts? the top of the car (pic )do I sand it smooth ( without any shinny spots) all with the 1st grit and then continue on with the different grits after it's smooth or start with the 1st grit and continue on thru the grits until it's smooth? after the paint repair job of the cutting thru should I shoot another coat of clear on the whole body? then re-sand? or what? Thanks again for all the help.
  12. Thanks High Octane and Steven for the tips. I believe you are both right I started with a couple light coats and it seem to be going on like a frosted coat so the 3rd I tried a little heavier and looked a lot better so on the 4th coat I went a little over board. Live and learn. At least on this site I've been getting great help any many more, well a lot more replies then the other site I was on. Thanks again to everyone that replied.
  13. Thanks Snake, isn't 1000 grit a little harsh? When you say polish it out do you mean use 3000.4000 5000 then use Novus? or just use Novus? or just wax it? Can you wet sand with multiple grits in the same direction on side panels and small places?
  14. I used Testors wet look lacquer over Aztek acrylic. Most of the car came out pretty good some orange peel but there are a few spots that are rough or bumpy not sure what caused it, but can I wet sand that out? How do I sand the BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH in the window seal without cutting thru? I know you are suppose to cross sand with each grit, but how do you do that on the side of the car with a raised panel line right in the middle doesn't give you much room above and below the panel line. after sanding the rough spots out should I spray another coat of clear or just polish it out? Also How do I get smaller pictures show it doesn't take up the whole page? Thanks for all the guys that have replied to my ?'s you've helped out alot.
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