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A modeler named mike

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Posts posted by A modeler named mike

  1. 8 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

    Looks great. Nicely done. Looks like a great space.

    Thanks Bob.. made the wife happy so I'm happy. Not being able to accomplish any yard work other than lawn mowing for almost 2 years at my house really put me behind in keeping up with curb appeal. I've got a lot of catching up to do at my house plus I'm trying to keep my late father's house going. I'm thankful I have the time but sure do miss him.. 

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  2. I was finally able to finish a flower garden area that I started approximately 2 years ago at my house before going to live and care for my dad. I had cut down a couple of old dying pines and saved one of the stumps and its topical roots along with various sized rocks to encase the area, which sat with weeds until a week ago. It should look pretty good once everything starts to grow. I still need to sew some grass seed in the grass bare spots and possibly get the neighbors to clean their foundation?


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  3. 2 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

    I'm talking about the world in general. Not intending this to be any political conversation. I believe that the humanity has so much potential for acting better between themselves rather than hatred for others and those are craving wealth and power.

    I know that wasn't your intent. I was making an observation of our own mess here..  

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  4. 5 hours ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

    The craziness of the world today. Too many  people exist in a reality that has no basis of fact. Just becuase something is said a hundred times that doesn't me it's the truth.

    The world needs to wake up and treat each other better. The world needs to realize violence is not the situation. Somehow there needs to be a catalyst to make this happen.

    Violence was once frowned upon, now it's rewarded with no bail walk free BS.. law enforcement has their hands tied with the Idotic calls for defunding them and new niceness tactics adopted to insure the alleged perpetrator(s) don't feel like a criminal..BS.. Also as long as the party division and labeling are continually gaslighted we'll never all get along and that catalyst will naturally happen as it has before.  I've never been so disappointed.. call me nieve but I still have hope.. 


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  5. 5 hours ago, espo said:

    Every state I have lived in until moving to Kansas required both front and rear plates and that seems to be common for the most part. When we moved here, we were deciding whether to live on the Kansas side of the state line or Missouri. The license plate issue was actually part of the decision when we were deciding. You're not alone when it comes to not liking a front license plate.  

    I'm in Maryland, both front and back required. I can see where It has it's advantages for law enforcement. I personally never gave it much thought since it's all I've been accustomed to. Just as John stated above some individuals just refuse but in MD. it's just one of many violations that is used as probable cause to pull you over.

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  6. 2 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

    I lost my mother to what i would call “incompetent”doctors who i truly believe caused her death back in 2015..She lasted only one month,and she was gone..And now I’m slowly watching my father melt away in his bed.Hes 86,and all he wants to do is sleep all day,and night.He barely eats,and hardly goes outside.I think it’s just a matter of time,before he passes away too..Idk if i will be able to handle it.😖🙏He has the on sets of Dementia,and his neurologist is an utterly useless POS.Idk if this has anything to do with what you went through.

    Your Dad sleeping all time is a normal thing with some Dementia patients, my dad did the same, dont fret over it. His food intake dropped dramatically towards the end. The last week of my dad's life he became very mantic and was not within the realm of reality. It was like dealing with an angry child who wouldn't listen to reason because of the damage Dementia had done. If your having doubts weither it's dealing with the mental toll or physical toll on yourself, please talk to someone, it helps to let out the frustrations. I had Hospice come in for routine checkups but I was his sole caregiver for everything. The end days are very trying and can cause you to second guess the medical process of allowing a loved one to pass. My suggestion is to please seek help for your own sanity. If you need or want to just talk your welcome to PM me.. my heart goes out to you... be strong..

    • Thanks 1
  7. 36 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

    SO in the what pleased me I have talked about the positive aspects of my recent health issues.

    Well this is the otherside of the coin. This is the case of total incompancy.  As related I have congestive heart failure and all my doctors have told me to use the minimum amount.  So in an act that is totally unfathomable I discovered that I was not a low sodium cardiac diet. They bring me a bowl of soup that tasted like was eating spoonfuls of salt. I have no faith in the compentcy of that dr.. I had to request it. I have faith in all of my regular doctors and was totally appalled.

    The other issue was the elevated care tier I was in which was a step down was great however the lower level I was in was dirty and horribly understaffed.

    Unfortunacy if I wrote my opinion of the hospital I would be on a timeout.

    If I wanted to it would easy to win a malpractice suit at the cost to my quality and as the adage goes money doesn't buy happiness. Lots of money is not good trade off for quality of life.

    Unfortunately there's always a flip side. I lost my mother to an infection that was contracted during open heart surgery 12 years ago at University of Maryland. Thats 99 days from being admitted to being pronounced dead with half her chest cavity surgically removed. They were clearly at fault and there was substantial evidence of such. Top notch hospital that I've personally known individuals to go to and have miracles happen and also others that had minor infections from surgery. We chose not to file a law suit for pretty much the same reasoning as yours. Still kinda pisses me, still miss her, but I make sure when ever I'm asked about that hospital I tell her story and suggest they draw their own conclusions. At the same time my Mom was hospitalized a neighbors brother was struck on his Harley dresser and ended up having emergency surgery on his leg. He also ended up with an infection. He got lucky and it was all cleared up.

    I'm glad you have a decent outlook on your overall situation. I've learned to let things go and not to hold on to the disappointments or things you can't control. It's just not worth the toll it can take on oneself.  Keep on a steady path forward and we'll keep 🙏... 

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