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Ramblin Randy

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    Randy Baker

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  1. Hi Casey, the word Moebius was new to my so I looked it up. Reminds me of going to cut wood with my dad in his 1970 Ford 150. If it wasn't riding the axle he would say: "Load more wood boys it's not time to go home yet...!" As to "hauler history" I'm really dusting up the internets and I'm gathering a lot of info and a lot of talk has been generated. I'm wondering if any reporters would like to co-write a story on the behind the scenes builders of these trucks. Laugh Hard, Hang Tough, Lend a Hand Ramblin Randy
  2. This is my hauler and you can see it has one big cabinet in the tail. Most telling is the tire deck on my truck has a forward moving "swoosh" in contract to the Wood's Brother's truck's tire deck. Here is the mystery... I have no idea who owned/raced with my hauler when it was new in 1966. Has anyone here ever seen this truck in person or in photos...??? I'm going nuts because I've been asking this same question now for 15+ years. Here is the ownership time line that I've been able to nail down with 100% proof... any productive direction GREATLY appreciated. 1966 - Manufactured Charlotte NC Region 1974 ( all sources tell me Maynard Troyer owning it ? ) 1974-1976 ----- Stan Berich, Milroy Pa 1976-2003 ----- Frank Plessinger Sr, Hagerstown Speedway 2003-Present -- Ramblin Randy
  3. Is there any interest in vintage 1960's open car haulers and who made them...? I've been compiling a master list of fabricators who made these rigs back in the day. Each fabricator had their own style and own touch when building them. For instance Holman-Moody contracted with Baker Body out of Charlotte. The signature style for Baker was the tail end always had a bunch of small compartments for tools. Baker / Holeman haulers also had a tire deck that was at the top symetrical. I own a actual 1960's hauler and my hauler's tire deck is more of a forward moving "swoosh" styling. Here is a hauler photo that was built by the Baker / Holman-Moody team and in the next post I'll upload my truck and you'll see the difference in styling. My list of hauler fabricators, and you are welcome to add to it or explain to me I'm in error. Holman Moody ( contracted body to Baker Body ) Baker Body Company - Charlotte NC Dearborn Steel and Tube - Dearborn Michigan Car Corporation… Modified truck bodies for racers Bill Champion… Former #10 NASCAR, from Virginia Additional info I've read... Not confirmed... 'Buddy Bill Stroppes Shop.... Built the 3 Ford Drag Team haulers in association with Holman Moody"
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