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Posts posted by sflam123

  1. Mr. Sobak,

    Coming in to this a little late....

    First, your work is amazing. Your attention to detail is incredible and the results stunning.

    Secondly, go with the nickel hardware. Mooneyz made the comment about the brass looking like zinc plated grade 8 bolts and he's correct. HOWEVER, zinc plating of grade 8 bolts is a relatively recent improvement and would not be period correct for a mid-70's Funny Car. I make this comment NOT to be critical but realizing that you have put significant time and effort in to this build to make it as accurate as possible.

  2. Thanks for the comments guys. Actually Intmd8r, Marks and Keppler were almost fanatical about keeping the car clean. It came in from hot laps, they cleaned it. It came in from a heat race, they cleaned it. We once stayed in the same motel as the team while attending the Knoxville Nationals. They took all the tin off the frame after a night of racing and cleaned it in the parking lot. And this was AFTER they had taken to a car wash!

  3. Here is an older Monogram Sprint Car kit built to replicate Brad Doty's Marks & Keppler owned Coor's Light car from about 1987. It is a painted in Testor's Silver and Metallic Blue. I used decals from several different kits to replicate the original car as best I could. Hope y'all like this one.



  4. Well Done! Looks better than mine!

    I only had one set of decals to work with so I was VERY careful with them and used nearly a third of a bottle of MicroSol trying to get them to conform to the bends of the body. I didn't tear any, so I was pleased

    The side windows took a lot of "persuasion" before I got them to fit. Lots of sanding, filing and finagling, and I'm still not happy with how they fit, but I'm hesitant to do more to them for fear of breaking them.

  5. Thanks for the kind words y'all. I guess when I compare my skills to those of John Teresi, Chris Soback, Dave Thibodeau and some of the other guys on here, I'm not even a hack builder. I do enjoy building models and I try to build, older less common subjects when i can get my hands on them. I'll try to post a few more that I deem worthy of this board.

  6. I've built models off and on for almost 50 years, and I've followed builds on this board for some time now but never posted one of my own. I build for fun, and I'm not particularly good, but like I said, its for fun. This was a kit my wife found for me and I thoroughly enjoyed building it. The paint is Testor's rattle can Classic White and Blue Angel Blue on the body. The blue was shot over black to get it darker like the hood decal. THe frame is French Blue. I've not seen this model on here before, so I hope you guys like it.





  7. I noticed you mentioned in the "Drag RacingModels" forum that you don't use airbrush, only cans. What color/brand of can paint did you use on this body, and how do you get such great finish on your car using can paint? Fantastic paint job and fantastic detail. LOVE IT!!

  8. I am trying to get the items assembled to build the white "Snake II" Cuda funny car and the blue "Mongoose II" Duster. I know Slixx made the McEwen decals, but they are no longer on their website. Does anyone have a source for these decals or does anyone have a set they would be willing to part with? Thanks in advance!!

  9. May be old news to all y'all, but I was just on SLIXX' website and the website has an announcement that says they have reconsidered and are going to continue to produce decals. They are going to restructure, and some items they have sold will no longer be available, but at least they are not closing. YEAH!! :D

  10. Help PLEASE! I am trying to locate Ramchargers decals for a 1968-1979 Dodge Dart Funny Car. I've tried e-bay, Whoopie Kat, etc. without success so far. According to my research, the Funny Car I'm building was sponsored by Gratiot Auto Supply, NOT Hodges Dodge as some of the Ramchargers earlier cars had been. Any help, leads, info, etc. greatly appreciated! Thank You!!

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