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Posts posted by ericmaxman

  1. Okie. Some updates. Body has been sprayed. And drying. Chassis is 80% done. Left the clear coat + interior details. But I need some help regarding the underside of the bonnet. How does it look like? I have no idea as I have never actually seen one before. <_<

    Here is the semi completed body.


  2. Here are some progress. Managed to finish the engine today. Took me quite some time. Now the annoying bit, the manual and the actual parts.


    Here, the actual piece and the one mentioned in the manual does not fit. What can I do?



    Some engine pictures.



  3. im working on this kit too, except im waiting till i can order a ross gibson engine and a set of drag wheels to finish it (im making a funny car)

    you said you wanted it to be 99.9% perfect, well if you need any help getting all the details perfect tell me, i own a 2007 mustang and i should be able to get you any exact details you need from my 1:1

    Thanks. By the way, the piece on the front grille, should I leave it as it is, or should I spray it black? It is already black, though.

  4. Hi guys.

    My godmother got me this kit and another few more. Well, since it is a US Muscle car, my local hobby forum does not have any good reference for this baby. So far, let's see. I have done 1%, as I want it to turn up 99.999% perfect. I still haven't decided on what color will it be, but chances are it will be silver. Rims will be resprayed black. No stripe decals. I am currently planning. Haha. Anyway, I am starting work on this one really really soon. I will do the engine bay and chassis first. I managed to find some rather good 06 Mustang GT pictures off eBay, but I am deciding o how would the colors be. Say for example, the manual states that some parts of the car is in "satin black". Since the plastic is molded in black, can I get away without painting it? And the engine bay, would it be better to be body color or just black? :lol:;)

  5. Well guys. There are laws in my country saying what can be modded and what can't be. But enforcement is lack, and the are street races if you know where to find them. BTW, the Accord in Malaysia is the same as the US spec one, so I do not have this model locally. Even grey importers only bring in the saden version of this particular Accord. Here are some pictures that are, well, hopefully better than yesterday's one. Cheers





  6. Finished. Yeah. 1 month plus plus. Fitments? ######. Totally ######. The back bumper is horrible. The rest is fine. Hmm. I dun quite like the front wipers area as it is really sparse. Decals got lost <_ < . I will update better pictures on Saturday.






    BTW, because of the lighting, it seems that the front bonnet got orange peel, but there is none. Really.

  7. :D great lookin build, Eric. Nice paint.Is it a Mitsubishi Colt? I've never seen one.I guess it must get 100 miles per gallon hu? :blink:

    Thanks. Yeah. It was supposed to be a Sport-X version, but the side skirts and spoiler is so crappy that I'd opt for a plain vanilla version. The car is 100% OOB. No mods whatsoever. The powerplant is a 4G15, so there won't be any 100 miles per gallon. If Mitsubishi decides to steal the Prius's market, then maybe there will be some hope. btw, this car shares the same platform as the Smart forfour. :blink: :blink:

  8. I never knew that there was such a thread. My mom is still kinda young (51). My mom never admits her wrong. And when she is wrong, she blames everyone (thing) except herself. My poor dad has been tolerating till this day. My mom also like to control everything. And she likes things her way. Like the last time, I used to have a dog. But it keeps barking at people passing the house ( which dog doesn't?). She got so fed up with the dog, she forced my dad to send it away. And her excuse was? I hate dogs who bark.

    But he does have her positive points too. She cooks goos spaghetti. Yum-yum. She is loving, provided nothing goes into her way. I can go on and on about my mom, but I suppose this in long enough. :rolleyes::angry:

  9. The paint you're using is a Nitrocellular base paint. Lacquer can be used to thin it. This type of paint is mainly used for wood finishes and is not usually very good on plastics. But they do work. You could have a problem with the paint not wanting to adhere to the plastic or to itself. You might need to rough the area up before putting another color. It might help the paint bond better. I would suggest trying to find something like Duplicolor or that type of spray paint which is an automotive lacquer. You'll definitely have better results.

    How do I apply lacquer to it? Do I need to spray it into a empty cup and use a brush? I suppose that if I make the masking tape less sticky, it may help. What do you guys think?

  10. I figured that it wouldn't be healthy for the plastic just by the way brake fluid smells... Everyday I see some around-the-house-off-the-shelf stuff used in some new and fascinating way (at least to me anyway) when you would have never thought it had any use except what it was made for. So, do you rub it on and off or do you dip it for a min. or 2. Or is it too harsh to dip at all??



    Hmm. I take a small can and put some bf into it, and use a toothbrush to rub it off. Some other ppl recommend to soak it in the fluid.

  11. Hmm. I suppose the curing time is not important as I removed the paint right after I sprayed it. But do be careful as brake fluids differ from each other, as so I am not responsible if your plastic car melts. But do be warned that it cannot remove Artline

    Maker Silver. I had to use sandpaper to remove it.

  12. Thanks for the help. <_< <_<

    Well, it's the window part (near the roof) that stumbled me. I use Industrial Paint (anchor) for spraying as the Tamiya ones (or equivalent) aren't cheap anymore here. So, I usually sand the body before spraying (1500grit) and wetsand it (also 1500grit). After that, I'll wash it with soap water. Then I sprayed it with primer (anchor). I suppose I did two mist layers before the heavy coats. But I do need to know the curing time for each layer. After the primer had dried for about a week or so, then I proceeded to paint on the body ( anchor white ). After the same steps as the primer, I wetsanded the painted body and allowed it to settle. After another week, I did the window trims, only to find out that the paint chips off. I am currently using the Tamiya 10mm masking tape. Can anyone highlight my mistake? :(:angry:

    Thanks guys. B) B)

  13. Hi guys. I'm new at this cool forum. Found this off google. hehe

    Anyway, I just sprayed my car, which I have sandpapered and primed. but after masking the windows edges, the paint chipped off !! :rolleyes::lol: :lol:

    I have used brake fluid to remove the paint and restart the whole thing.

    Question is, how do I prevent such a thing from happening again?

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