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Posts posted by ddonaca351

  1. Well after getting back into it with a partial funnycar kit...


    I decided to try another one.

    This GTX (or most of one anyhow) was in my spare parts box.

    Its early on, just mocking things up and putting together a cage for it.





    I'll post some in a week or two once it's done. (I still cant decide on wheels for it... big-n-littles or 18" BBS ???)

    I'm planing on a metalic or pearl blue over silver base. It should look pretty good, I hope. :lol:


  2. It was in a box, partially done... this is what sparked my interest in getting back into modeling again.

    This at about 70-80% done:


    I think I might order one of the comp resin bodies to go on it.

    I know it doesn't look like much, but for my first build in 20 years... I'm happy with it. :lol:

    This is done:


    The parts were alott smaller than I remember. :lol:

  3. GORGEOUS work on the paint !!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not sure if it would be cheaper for ya or not, but if you go to a paint store for 1:1 cars, you can get "pinstripe tape" in widths from 1/16 up to about 1/4, but it comes in rolls like 40' long. (enough to last a model builder a loooonnnggg time... :lol: )

    On 1:1 stuff I know either blue or red pearls look stunning over silver or gold base coats (respectively), but not sure about over the green or bronze...

    Again, great job on the paint.

  4. www.compresins.com also has some 1/16 stuff.

    EDIT: Dear 1/16th lovers... Does someone manufacture a 1/16th funny car chassis ????

    There are engines, wheels, tires, bodies, decals, etc... all available BUT I can't find a chassis. (some of us aren't that good at scratch build :lol: )

    Please, pretty please. :blink:

  5. the cobra was posted as a reference for the tail lights (not realising they were different)

    sorta OT... :lol: the fox body cobras used LX style taillight lenses, the GT used the "window shade" taillight lenses.

    Alott of stangers replace the GT lenses for LX lenses, since they (imho) give a much cleaner look to the back of the car.

    You can also run clear turn signal area lenses, just with amber bulbs. :blink:

    PS: don't forget to run a stripe of body color along the top of the silver, in that little indent. (about 2" @ 1:1 scale, below the top of the silver)

    Nice looking fox - btw.

  6. Every one I remember seeing in a fuel car was always black, but a number of the ones on the street or in the stock / super stock classes were orange.

    Do what makes you happy. :lol:


    Would painting a 426 HEMI for Dragster or F/C use back in the late 60's early 70's with factory stock HEMI engine Orange, would be a correct period color :huh:

    .......Seems like most of them where painted black. Thanks to all.

  7. Thanks for the warm welcome. :o

    I got back into it again, kinda as a fluke... I was cleaning some of the ex's junk out of the laundry room and up on the top shelf were two boxes of my old stuff. One had all my spare parts in it, and the other was a partially done funny car kit and all my paints (all junk by now) brushes, etc.

    It got me thinking of how much I used to enjoy it, all those years ago...

    So I cut some cardboard to cover the kitchen table, ( good thing about being single, if I want to build models in the kitchen, I can build models in the kitchen!! :lol::blink: ) and away I went.

    I had forgotten how small some of the pieces were, or may-be my eyes aren't what they were back then... no matter. It was fun, and it came out pretty good ( for a first time, in a long time kinda way B) )

    Now I'm starting on a vintage kit of a early 70's Don Schumacher funnycar. ( but I just bought a Jungle Jim off e-bay, that's the one I'm looking forward too ;) )

    Thanks again for the welcome, glad to be here.


  8. Just thought I'd say hello.

    Coming back to modeling after about a 20-25 year vacation... :o

    Mostly cars, mostly drag racing at that.

    I'll get around to all my dumb questions after I look through the tips and tricks section a few times. ;)

    ( after looking at some of your projects, you guys are hard core !!!! )


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