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Posts posted by mackattack

  1. So I just have a few questions... Is this an actual competition with prizes and things? And what do you enter.. Is it like a picture of your model? I've never entered a competition on here before. And I am starting work on a 1971 kenworth W-925 logger with peerless trailer.

  2. Just was wondering if anyone made a resin cab of the international cargostar. In just day cab form or for a fire truck. Have a couple of projects im thinking of and was just wondering if someone made those. The day cab is old with round headlights I think like a late 60's and the fire truck is like an 80 with the jump seats in back and it has the round headlights with a square around them. Thanks any help greatly appreciated.


  3. Just wanted to share a picture of my 1/12th scale Revell Malcolm Smith bike Im restoring. Bought this off ebay and it was a glue bomb painted up mess. frame was broken in 7 pieces, but with a little work I think its turning out pretty well so far. Its my first bike model ever.


  4. I was just wondering if there is a place within Model Cars forum to post pics of my Revell Malcolm smith husqvarna 400 dirt bike model im building. It was an old glue bomb off ebay and Im restoring it and would like to share some pics. Just didnt see a place for bikes and was wondering if I just missed it. Thank you.

  5. Hey guys me the tamiya spray paint stripping guy again. Found another good product to use for takin that stuff off with. Klean Srip mineral spirits. Works great! Soak for about 2 days and scrub with a medium scrub brush takes it right off. I did it with a 40 year old kit and it didnt harm the plastic at all! Can buy it at about any hardware store and its odorless. Just thought i would share.


  6. Just pour it right out of the bottle into the tub. totally submerge the part. it speeds it up if you scrub it and allow it to get under the paint, but it softens it right up if you let it sit just over night. The synthetic laquers are hard to get off, but this stuff is impressive! Especially after waiting for that so called miracle formula castrol for a week! Didnt even soften it. Works great on enamels and acrylics, but not laquers. And this stuff wont harm your hands at all.

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