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Posts posted by RodBurNeR

  1. Nope not you bvut i hear itr is some of your friends up there

    Well, what someone else does or says is not in my control. Drastic Plastics has nothing to do whatever you heard. I will leave it at that. If you choose not to come up here, that's up to you. It would be a shame to make DPMCC a rival of something that it's not involved in.

  2. nice job, pretty close to the box art actually! This scan doesn't show the real colors true, but you got real close! Do you mind if I add your model to the set of instructions? I will give you credit. PM me if it's ok. thanks for sharing!


  3. This Chopped '37 Chevy came today and GUYS it's worth the money, just like ALL Ed's stuff! Get one before it's too late! :lol: The chop is real nice and the work is real clean! This is also thin like the kit body. Why go through all the work of cutting one up when it's done right? Thanks Ed! ;D DRAG CITY CASTING....BETTuR WRECK O'NIZE!



  4. Yepper, this Sunday! Mark, I ran into a couple of NC guys at the store yesterday. They were hauling a large load of vintage tin. They were talking and my co-workers were trying to figure out where they were from because of their accent. I said "sounds like North Carolina"...one asked if they were from Georgia and he replied "nope, North Carolina" haha! They were amazed that I recognized their accent. See ya Sunday!

  5. You know what's funny? I remember it being like this when I was a kid. We were spoiled with a lot of mild winters over the last many years and now that we get hit "hard"....everyone thinks it's global warming hah! Maybe it is?...just doesn't make much sense considering the past....I know some of you have seen history when places got 10feet of snow back in the early 1900's....was it global warming back then too? B)

  6. Are you kidding me? HARD? We have had 2.5 feet for the last two months and it's snowing again since lastnight. We have almost 5more inches as of this morning! Now, the snow actually compacted in the last couple of weeks due to the freezing rain we had on top of it lol...I can't wait until this all goes away! You guys not used to the snow and driving in it....just stay in and be safe! B)

  7. Thanks for posting photos Peter. I really dig this car, it's one of the neatest Birds around! I agree with Harry, though I have some videos on tube of stills from 1:1 cars shows haha! But..as for a model car, I really prefer photos. The only things that bugged me about the video were, the captions over the images, the size of the images and the speed of viewing pleasure. :D

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