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Posts posted by Scale-Master

  1. that's right, didn't you/your co make a bunch of oversizded stuff for a photo shoot/ ad campaign??? sparkplugs and stuff???

    Wasn't me/us. I scale stuff down. The "big ruler" in the above post is a Photoshop gag made by Steve Boutte. It is me and my ruler, but it's not a "real" picture... - Mark

  2. ...for the Seven...


    44 scratchbuilt parts and 4 custom made decals.




    Masters and Slave

    Seven individual machined parts in the Brake Master Cylinder. The reservoir was machined from leftover casting resin. The rest is mostly aluminum.


    All machined aluminum except the machined left over cast resin reservoir, and machined soft plastic seal under it.

    Seven pieces for the master, eight pieces for the slave.



    Still have to make the center caps and valve caps, yes there are valve cores in there and they move, no, they don't hold air...

    Machined a master for the center and cast it in resin, the rest of each wheel is machined.



    NOS Bottle

    Over a dozen machined parts. The gauge has a needle, and a lens.

    The blow off valve is bronze and aluminum, the safety cable was wound from some very fine wire.

    Note the 7 faceted knob, (it is for my seventh Super Seven), and locking hardware too.

    Made the decals, of course... - Mark



  3. Well thank you everyone, here's some answers...

    Being a decal artist (Scale-Master Decals), I made decals for the stitching, I'm not crazy enough to stitch that by hand, (or am I?).

    The process for making the female splines is called Broaching, basically mashing the design into the part, similar to how some sockets are made.

    The big ruler is made by setting my Shrink Ray Gun on reverse, (1200%) and just zapping my 6 inch machinist scale. (I can shrink it back down for storage.)

    And as you can see in this photo, it's 6 feet long...


    I'll post some other goodies for this project in another thread...

  4. Scratchbuilt, around 20 parts. Mostly aluminum. I broached the splines into the receiver so they match the splines on the shaft. The red button on the right is for the nitrous. Even made a plastic wire guide to keep the switch wires from dangling loose. (Note the stitching on the faux leather grip.) The horn button has a cloisonne Seven logo in it... - Mark



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  5. Just joined up here yesterday. Lurked around for a bit and I see some familiar names from other forums and shows.

    Some of you already know me, Hi Gregg, Hi Jairus, but for those who don't...

    My real name is Mark D. Jones, and I'm a modelholic, and still practicing.

    Some of you may be familiar with Scale-Master Decals, (no coincidence as to why I use that screen-name).

    Scratchbuilding, (including machining), and Out Of The Box building are two of my favorite venues to build in. From one extreme to the other I guess...

    I also have a background in real cars, but at this time I prefer to make models and just play with the finished real cars...

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